Well here's what you need to do ASAP and I mean right after you read this and finish sharing or however you use this post. For one thing, this is here to scare you. This is the truth as I know it to be. No FEAR here just the truth. Okay, I'm not sure how many days everyone has but you need to start storing food and a lot of food. Food shortage is coming and the way it sounds and the vibes that I am feeling for every piece of information that I have seen, heard, touched, and read is that there isn't going to be anything in the stores eventually. So this food shortage isn't a shortage that there out of a few 100 items and that you have to make do with something else and make do with that for now. Prepare and prep for a few years if you need help on how to do that in such a short amount of time. I will take my time to help anyone that needs to learn how to do food preparation and how to survive a really bad food shortage.
Don't just shake your head and just go on with your day and totally forget about everything that is mention in this post. For starters, farmers have been burning and destroying their crops for about 3-4 months now. There freight that's not being moved or even unloaded from the ship or the port. All I have to say is greed at its best. All this is because Someone and the Gov are paying people to do all these things. GREED At its best! Now there is something else that is going to speed the food shortage up a lot. I don't know when and I know that they have every right to speed up the food shortage. The Truck drivers have had enough of all this BS and are going to lock it down on their own. The truckers in Australia have had enough and are going to start pushing back and the truck drivers here in the US are going to follow their lead. Now we need to support the drivers and stand together and not divided. Also, get rid of those submissive masks. That's the only thing that the masks protect you from is destroying your emotional state and keeping you isolated. Stop wearing those submissive masks and grow a pair unless you love being a slave to Lucifer. If that's the case then that's all on you.
Okay if anyone doesn't know how to prepare for a food shortage in a short amount of time with a low budget or no budget then I can help you figure out what you need and how much. Remember it's better to have too much than not enough, don't get caught with your pants down. Send me an email if you need help. I may work up a chart that you can just follow but you will have to give me an hour or 2 to get that worked up.
To your Survival:
David Isenhour