First it is not all about the money. Money is not a proof of truth and here at Steemit is where the situation could be worse with all the politics involved, you know what I mean.
Secondly, I understand the sense of porn in that title but there are BETTER WORDS. You have to realize that that word PORN, even though used for a different meaning here, is more popular in the original sense (meaning). It could trigger the mind of somebody who has been an addict but not anymore. Some people do not like words like that. There are better words. Why don't you say 'Steamy Food Marriage', Christmas, Paradise, etc There are a lot of them. "Steamy Food Love" is way...way better or is PORN better than LOVE as a word? It is your post, you can use whatever you want, but you probably used that word to attract attention. People are different. You posted it, it is alright to you. I came across it, it is not alright to me. I made an opinion which is what Steemit is for right? As a matter of fact the first comment and this one, are all support to your good works. Support must not be comments that you like. True people give you true opinions. With that said, "STEAMY FOOD LOVE" is still better. :-) nice day.
Everyone has preferences! We prefer truth over judgment.
Yes and as I said I appreciate the comments.
I believe considerate and logical disagreement is healthy.