Oh, wow, that all looks great. Especially knowing that a lot of the ingredients are fresh from your garden. Things always taste so much better that way.
It's too bad you need to come up with new and creative ways to serve tomatoes to your husband, though. I guess that means never a dull moment at dinner, but still, tomatoes are pretty tasty unto themselves. Sometimes, all they need is a little mayo. :)
Congratulations on another great looking meal.
Thank you! Your meals also inspire!
I love a fresh vine ripened tomato, but the hub will only eat them cooked. Our son won't touch them at all. Every heirloom tomato recipe online is prefaced with, "you really should be enjoying these raw"...peak of the season means too many fresh ones for just moi, lol! I have about 10 pounds of Cherokee purples ready to eat right now!
Our garden always ends up providing more than we can handle on our own so there's a lot of giving away that takes place. Most of us though do like raw tomatoes. It's funny, though, how that all works. Our youngest son used to eat pizza with a regular tomato-based sauce, but wouldn't want to touch what amounted to the same thing on spaghetti. Now he does, but for a while there you couldn't convince him that it was the same thing.