Strawberry roll with chocolate spongecake and a smoothy strawberry cream inside!!!

in #food8 years ago

hello my friends as you have allready understood I use chocolate and straberries in my creations!! this pastry is not only beatiful but it is also very tasty. It is a strawberry roll with chocolate spongecake and a smoothy strawberry cream inside also it has finely chopped straberries inside 😁
for decoration I have used straberry sause I have mase myself, whipped cream and some berries!!!

thanks for stepping by!! I would love to see your comments negative or possitive!!
for more pastry creation follow @zkalemiss 😁


Looks yummy! @zkalemiss

thanks for your comment @uday625 😁 have a nice day!!!

And it looks Yummy again! It makes us feel hungry... Lunchtime for us at the moment (Australia). But unfortunatly no yummy cake for us...:-(

hello girls 😁 thanks for the is breakfast time..I wish I could send that roll to you 😁

Oohh that's a shame... would be awesome if you could do that haha
Enjoy your breakfast and the rest of your day!