
They are tasty! I love food so much! I'm not going to sacrifice taste just because I'm vegan! No way! And yes I know it's hard to maintain a vegan diet at first! I actually wrote a whole article about it you light want to check out! My partner always says it's hard when you think about yourself but easy when you think of the animals and the planet! Maybe watch some documentaries so you can get everything straight in your head as to all the reasons why you are vegan! Hope this helps! And of course thank you fir supporting me! I appreciate more than you know!

Mistake No.1 = NOT ENOUGH.

"Over"-eat on carbs, and you cant go wrong. Blessingz

Rice and peaaaaaz!

x10 that Rice and peaaaaaz!

Beanzzz there too bro, I also find fruits keeps me sharp, hydrated and making great decisions! High water living foods all ways help my vegan hustle! 💚💯