My Weekly Shop* Get In shape for 2018💪#2. Low Carb/ Meat only

in #food7 years ago (edited)

The fridge was empty so it was time to go to the supermarket and get some meat!! AWESOME

I am currently following a meat only diet plan. This is a great way to drop some of that extra padding post holiday period.
The Diet is simple you can eat Meat, Fish , Eggs some diary and coffee. This is a low carb diet focusing on protein and Natural fat (which is good for your contrary to popular belief) and zero sugar. I have been using a plant based sweetener Stevia which is available in most health food stores accross the uk and in the us.

There are no magic diets but this really does work! i cannot stress this enough if you put the work in you will see the results.

I went to Aldi which is a no frills supermarket in England. They focus on the basics and do them well. My Bill )pictured below) came to around £31 which is good for a English supermarket and that included a cheeky bottle of vino for my girlfriend haha!
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My daily eating plan:

This is usually egg based. A large omelette with ham and cheese seems to be my favorite at the moment. But i also enjoy demolishing a entire pack of bacon with a couple of fried or scrambled eggs on the side.

I prepare my lunches usually the night before by cooking extra dinner for myself. This is usually marinated chicken or pork that i slice thinly so it is easy to graze on and eat on the go

Without doubt my favorite meal of the day! my go to is Beef or Lamb steaks cooked med rare and pan fried in butter, Delicious!! Burgers topped with cheese and bacon, kofta kebabs, Salmon fillets , or pork chops are all admirable contenders.If i have worked especially hard i treat myself to a mixed grill.

Seasonings: Garlic , peri peri seasoning, and jerk rub all come in handy for providing variety and keeping things fresh.

All that shopping works up and appetite so i had to reward myself with a Rump Steak topped with Stilton cheese. Admittedly i cooked it a lil rare for my usual liking but enjoyed it none the less.

for more info see my previous post

Here is a good site with some good information:

I experience huge benefits on this diet both physical and mental. because you are eradicating the sugar from your diet you get a stable consistent energy as apposed to when your body is running off carbs (aka) sugar.

If anyone would like to know more or any advice on how to start this diet please drop me a line and ill do my best to help.

Disclaimer: Everybody's biology and internal chemistry is different i am not a Doctor please consult one before making any kind of radical changes in your diet.

Please Upsteem and leave any questions encase I've missed something (highly likely) or comments you may have below

Thinky T

D.Tube uploads coming soon!!


the problem with a plan like that is you are not learning long time skills to keep it off once you reach your goal. If you can find a successful plan that you can maintain for the rest of your life that is where the long term success will come in. 20.jpg

Hi @healthyisbetter thanks for your comment.

I have found the opposite to be true this has taught me alot about how my body responds to fuel and what i need and dont need as a result . This is t a fad diet to drop a few pounds this a paridgm shift in the way i look at food and relationship with it. What you raise is a great point though alot of people chop and change thier diets without really getting anywhere. Thanks again appreciate your feedback