Mie jengkol-masakan aceh-kuliner aceh

in #food7 years ago (edited)


Mie aceh bisa dibuat dengan berbagai cara dengan udang, kepiting, tiram, jamur, bayam, dan jengkol.
Kenikmatannya tidak diragukan lagi.

Aceh noodles can be made in various ways with shrimp, crab, oysters, mushrooms, spinach, and jengkol.
Pleasure no doubt.

Cara membuatnya pun cukup cukup gampang
Pertama jengkol dipotong kecil-kecil agar bumbunya meresap dan mie dan jengkol bercampur, lalu jengkol digoreng terlebih dahulu.

How to make it is quite easy enough
First jengkol cut into small pieces so that the marinade absorbed and noodles and jengkol mixed, then jengkol in fried first



Setelah jengkol di goreng siapkan bumbu-bumbu yang dibutuhkan seperti rempah-rempah, setelah itu campurkan mie dengan jengkol yang sudah digoreng tadi. Tunggu 30 menit untuk siap disajikan.

After jengkol in fry prepare the necessary spices like spices, after that mix the noodles with jengkol that has been fried earlier. Wait 30 minutes to be ready to serve.



Mie aceh cukup terkenal di luar aceh, harganya pun lumayan murah, di aceh sendiri ada macam mie khas aceh salah satunya yaitu mie jengkol karna cara pembuatannya pun cukup gampang, hanya saja mie goreng basah atau mie goreng kering

Aceh noodle is quite famous outside aceh, the price was quite cheap, in aceh itself there are kinds of typical aceh noodles one of which is noodles jengkol karna way of making was quite easy, just wet fried noodles or dried fried noodles

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This made me hungry ahah