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RE: Lemon Cranberries and White Chocolate Chips Cookies

in #food4 months ago

Wow what a wonderful daughter!

I think so...I hope so 😅 when the nurse saw me last tuesday, she said she thinks its healing nicely. So am hoping that's true. To me, I look like Frankenstein with all the staples. And since i am tan, it wont look nice unlike on lighter skin. I have 2 other surgeries before and both ended up darkening on my skin, look horrible. And this one, longer cut, longer incission, tons of staples. Its brutal.

This is close to week 2. I was given 8-12 weeks window as mine is vertically cut instead horizontally (6-8 weeks for horizontal incission, I was informed).

Not supposed to climb stairs for at least 4-6 weeks

Not to lift anything more than 10 lbs for the 1st year, and to start being cautious of lifting anything above 10 lbs for the rest of my life now, supposedly, altho many therapists argue that it seems.

Idk who knows better, nurses, doctors, therapists, or patients bodies 😅


Oh damn that's a lot D: