Portobello Mushrooms with Couscous & Kale || Jamur Panggang

in #food7 years ago

G'day Friends,

Have you had lunch yet? Still preparing? Still thinking what to have?

How about trying these stuffed portobello mushrooms of mine.


Simple but so good. I know I said that a lot on my own foods 🤣 I live with very picky eaters, I kid you not. My boys are the harshest judges out there, even Gordon Ramsey can't hold a candle next to mine, seriously. You know what kids are like, honest little punks. So when they eat with no complaints, I know I did good 😁

Just like these mushrooms.

My oldest can even finish two of them, and if you know portobello mushroom, you know it can get soooo big in size.


  • 1 cup couscous
  • 1 1/4 c water
  • 2 tbsp vegan margarine
  • 1 ziplock bag frozen kale (overnight freezing, you can use fresh obviously), chopped (frozen is easier to chop), wash and drain
  • Hungarian Vegeta seasoning (or vegetable seasoning powder, if not just salt and pepper)
  • 1/4 of onion, thinly sliced
  • 1 heaping tsp minced garlic (ready to use)
  • 2 green onion (the purple scallion is best IMO), thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 bird eye chili, sliced

How To

  • Bring water to boil, stir in margarine, then stir in couscous. Cover pot, take off from heat and let stand for 5 mins, stir


  • Heat oil, saute onion garlic scallion and chili until soften
  • Stir in kale and cook til soften on medium-low heat



  • Stir in couscous and season

Stuffed Mushrooms

  • 6 portobello mushrooms, skinned and stems removed, wash and pat dry
  • 6 aluminum foil rings

How To

  • Skin mushrooms and cut off a little bit of the stems


  • Preheat oven 400 F
  • Make aluminum foil rings just by shaping aluminum foil into donut shape
  • Fill mushroom with filling and place them on aluminum rings


  • Bake until mushroom soften, for 15-20 minutes
  • Meanwhile, make caramelized onion (of an onion and vegan margarine, fry on medium heat)


  • Serve immediately and top with caramelized onion


See, simple, but good 😉

this one.jpg

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Hai teman!

Adakah jamur portobello di Indonesia? Jamur ini bisa lebar sekali, dan juga berat. Waktu di Indonesia, aku ga pernah lihat, taunya hanya jamur kancing dan kancing, yang biasanya keluargaku masak untuk sop. Hmmm jadi pingin bikin sop 🤣


Hari ini aku mau berbagi resep jamur portobello yang kupanggang dan kuberi maftoul (couscous).

Yuk ditengok resepnya kalau mau nyoba incip2 😊

Bahan Isi

  • 1 gelas maftoul
  • 1 1/4 gelas air
  • 2 sdm margarin
  • 1/4 bawang Bombay, iris tipis/cacah
  • daun sayur kale, secukupnya - ini sekarang katanya di Indonesia sudah mulai banyak, kalau tidak ada, bisa diganti sayur lainnya yak, potong-potong


  • 2 batang daun bawang, iris
  • 1 sdt bawang putih yang sudah dihaluskan
  • bumbu Royco secukupnya
  • 2 sdm minyak zaitun
  • 1 cabai rawit merah, potong2

Cara Membuat

  • Didihkan air, beri margarin, masukkan maftoul, aduk sebentar, angkat dari kompor, tutup panci dan diamkan 5 menit.
  • Panaskan minyak zaitun, tumis bawang Bombay, bawang putih, serta potongan cabai. Masukkan daun bawang, daun kale, masak hingga layu.
  • Masukkan maftoul, beri Royco, angkat


Jamur Panggang

  • Bersihkan jamur dari kulit, tata di loyang datar
  • Beri maftoul masak
  • Panggang selama 15-20 menit dalam oven 400 F yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu
  • Sementara itu buat taburan, yaitu bawang Bombay yang di goreng diatas margarine
  • Keluarkan jamur, beri taburan, sajikan segera

Selamat makan Indonesia ❤️


Aktif membantu di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord

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Disini kaga ade kayanya mba si portobello mushroom ini
Selama ini emak saya sih kalo masak jamur yg rada gedean ukurannya tuh jamur shitake, mirip ini tapi modelnya kering jadi kudu direndem air dulu biar melar
Pengen nyobain bikin ini deh, tapi ga tau cocok engga pake si shitake yg berair bgt gini wkwk

Dya!!! Kemana aja, Baru muncul lagi


Jangan pakai shiitake, rasanya Beda Dan bakalan Campur aduk dry dengan rasa oseng2 couscousnya 🤣

Lebih baik pakai Jamur kancing Segar , iris2, terus Di oseng2 bareng couscousnya

hahaha sehat kok, iya nih baru muncul lagi. Kemarenan barusan dapet kerja, balik malem, jadi ngga sempet mainan steemit wkwk. Skg udah mulai bosen, jd main steemit lagi hahaha

oh malah pake jamur kancing yaw, hmm baiklah bsok aku coba

mba share resep cemilan buah2an yang sehat donk, buat cemilan dikantor. everyday kita nyemil gorengan mulu nih, gendut :(

Bisa dicoba ni mba buat menu siang😚
Pecinta jamur disiniiiiii.
Btw uda di vote ya mbanya sebagai witness 👌

Halo Fit,

Belum masuk tuh, say. Kadang ada glitch, Kita kudu nyoba klik votenya 2-3 Kali 🤣🤣🤣🤣 disamping itu juga, kalau login pas pakai posting key, Ga bisa upvote, kudu pakai active/master key 😁 emang steemit Jago bikin orang pusing 🤣

Kalo udah gini blom masuk juga votenya mba? Entahlah babang Steemit ni, buat pusing jee😌


Yay, berhasil tuh 🙌🙌🙌🙌

Of course I would have to say these look amazing and delicious. A great idea, even kid approved. Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure! And thanks for visiting 😊

Pas bangun tidur.. pas makanannya muncul.. haha.. selamat pagi Mbak :)

Bisa langsung ke warteg, mas 😁

Interesting vegan food. I like it.

Mmmm yummy summer recipe!! I will bookmark it and save it in my Cookbook, thank so much :)

Hi TheKitchenFairy, do you have Discord? I wanted to talk with you regarding your witness efforts and simply getting to know you since we are both witnesses.

oh my those kids don't know how spoiled they are, wait till they move out then they'll be cryin for their mama's food! I have no idea what these mushrooms taste like but since you made them I'd scarf them down!
not very Keto friendly because couscous is so carb heavy but me have them on my cheat day, or cheat weekend! great job @thekitchenfairy!

wah nemu blog yang ada jamur panggangnya, hihihi..kudu dicoba ini resep. salam hangat tuk mbak @thekitchenfairy

Jadi ingin merasakan jamurnya

Mmmmm this recipe is making my mouth water! Really looking forward to trying these beauties out.
Thank you very much for sharing them with us nom nom☺

That looks so tasty and good

Great recipe for a Pescetarian like myself :-)

I'm really not a fan of mushrooms but the filling looks yummy :D