Indonesian Chicken In Sweet Sauce (Semur Ayam)

in #food2 months ago

How's Going? 😊

Yesterday we had -39 C and today as well. Crazy cold. Yesterday morning was really windy, glad I didnt have to go no where. Later in the day it went up to -22 C and no wind chill. Today, not so lucky for my husband and son, they have to go somewhere today, in this - 37 C Yikes 😁 Hope the weather on your end is much kinder than on our end 😁

For the following dish, it is one of my favorites. Easy to make and flavorful. A mix of sweet and spicy is how I like my food, most of the times 😁 You can use chicken, beef, eggs, tofu and/or tempeh for this recipe.


1 tbsp unsalted butter
1 small onion
4-5 garlic
1.8 kg chicken thighs
200-300 ml water
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp Chicken bouillon powder or to taste
2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar or to taste
1/4 c Sweet soy sauce or to taste
1/2 - 1 Freshly grated nutmeg or to taste
Freshly cracked black pepper, to taste
Grape/cherry tomatoes

Slice thinly garlic and onion, then saute in butter til soften and fragrant


Stir in chicken thighs, and flip now and then, cook for 3-5 mins on low-medium heat, covered



Uncover chicken, pour in water and add in bay leaves, stir


Season and taste. Cover again, and continue cooking until til chicken cooked through

Add in tomatoes lasty


Serve with warm rice and enjoy 😊


That's like almost polar opposite to the weather here D:

I want Winter thats not too freezing and long, Summer that isnt scorching hot and too humid


Sounds like you need to be in a tropical/temperate kinda climate rather than where you are XD

Dont tempt me 🤣 my youngest already deadset saying hes gonna move to either Malaysia, Singapore, or Japan, when he's older. Somewhere fun and lots of sun, he said, and hes only 11 🤣

Hey if it's better for your health XD

J is trying to convince me to move somewhere warmer so I don't die in winter (I get yearly chest infections) but I really like my job and the place I work at so I just put up with it. If I lived in the temperatures you've got it's very likely I would be tearfully saying goodbye to both to skedaddle off somewhere not anywhere near that cold x_x

I think im gonna wait until everyone's done with high-school, as they will go to college/uni, so we can finally move on from the cold 😁