Air Fry Series: Indonesian Grilled Chicken (Ayam Panggang)

in #food3 months ago

Good Morning!

Hope everyone's doing great 😊

I spent quite sometime at my oldest's room last night, in the dark, watching deer resting on snow! Sooooo adorable. We couldn't find our binocular, otherwise it would have been better. I tried taking picture, but since it was rather dark, didn't capture nice ones. This was the 1st time I saw them resting on snow, so close to houses, like that. What a sight. I do see them often, passing by, through our security cam, but never sat down to rest 😊 The kids and I did see a big one resting on our front yard the 1st year we moved to this house, close to 5 years ago, butnit was a gorgeous Summer day instead Winter 😁 Different feeling, different sight, different spot, different deer 😁

Back to recipe sharing!

I air fried chicken the other day. No hassle cooking I must add. I just mixed this and that in the same amount and chicken turned up delicious 😊


1/4 c sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
1/4 c Oyster sauce
1/4 c ketchup
1/4 c Sriracha sauce
1/4 c BBQ sauce (low sugar one)
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp chicken bouillon powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
1/3 c unsalted butter, melt
1.8 kg chicken thighs and drumsticks



Mix everything until well combined

Make cuts all over chicken, then coat chicken evenly in the marinade


Cover and marinate for an H at least, if not overnight

Air fry chicken on 350 F for 20 mins, brush, flip, brush again, and air fry for another 15-20 mins or until chicken cooked through




That looks delicious. I think it's been a bit since I had that too.

The deer sound really cute, and like they think that your place is a safe area to chill :)

Should you feel like it, come check my youtube Who's The Kitchen Fairy

I share deer shorts almost daily these days 😍😍😍

I try really hard to avoid Youtube these days x_x

Is the channel going alright? :D

No. Its the same 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i dont really pay attention on how to get with the algorithm and whatnot. Just post there so that i can share it to hive blog since dtube turned meh.

3speak didn't work out for you?