Miss. Delicious: The Best Lamb Stew in Town... 秋日最佳食品推荐..

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit friends! These few days I've been busy with the fashion blogs, but today, I'm sharing another food extravaganza! As we wave goodbye to summer and welcome the Autumn brisk, i'd like to introduce everyone to an Autumn specialty. Lets go inside and take a look ^▽^

This is one of Xi'an's restaurants specialising in Northwest Chinese cuisine, inside it is features paintings from Northern Shaanxi province.

If you like eating meat, then this place is Heaven^^

Hengshan Ironpot Lamb Stew^v^

Main point! Right now is the Chinese National Day holidays. Usually people will spend some quality time with their families and one of the prime activities is having a nice meal together either at home or at a nice restaurant. I went with my family for dinner at this restaurant and we booked a private room so we can enjoy the meal with just our family. When booking, we also ordered their specialty dish, the Iron pot lamb stew. Because there were quite a few of us, we asked for a kilograms worth which was prepared prior to our arrival. You must have been thinking how large that iron pot is and what's cooking inside it? It's none other than the Hengshan iron pot lamb stew. Hengshan is situated in the northern part of the Shaanxi province and they are well known across China for their delicious lamb meat.

Hengshan Lamb is considered the highest quality lamb meat because of its tender and soft texture, the meat is between fatty and non-fatty, has low visceral fat, low scent of typical lamb 'smell' and praised as the ginseng of meat.

Just before eating, some scallion is added to the mix. I was curious as to how the dish smelled so nice, I asked the waiter what were the ingredients? It turns out it was ginger, dried chilli peppers, onions, sichuan peppers, salt and finally chill pepper noodles all added together into the hot stew. I tasted my first bite of the Lamb meat and my first impression was truly how tender the meat was and even better, the usual smell of lamb wasn't there! Even though quite a bit of Chill and spices were added, the lamb tasted only mildly spicy and full of flavour. I couldn't stop eating it ^ε^

Some people like to eat this Lamb meat with raw garlic, it's supposed to be fragrant and at the same time healthy. I was hesitant on eating raw garlic as I always thought it should be cooked, but I decided to have a try anyway and was glad that I did! It brought out the flavour of the lamb even more!

Autumn is the perfect time to have Iron pot Lamb Stew because it is served piping hot. Eating it will make you feel immediately warm and also helps you add some healthy fats to your diet in preparation for a cold winter ^^

Self-Mixed Alcohol


Because today's dinner was also a birthday celebration, one of my uncles prepared his own alcoholic mix of mulberry juice and Chinese white spirits to share with everybody. It looks like red wine but I can assure you it tastes nothing like it! Lets have a toast!

Are we just eating the Iron pot lamb stew? Don't worry, there's plenty of supplementary side dishes too! ^^

First and foremost, the cold dishes

These are made with noodles, they look kind of weird but taste really good ?

Some hot side dishes!

"Ma La" (Hot and Numbing) Tofu

Hot Pepper steamed bread

Potato Stir Fry

Barbeque Lamb Kebabs

Roasted Potato Chips

Below are Chinese style desserts^^

Fried Glutinous Rice Dough Cake

Sweetened Bean Paste Pastry

Finally, a multi-coloured fruit cake !

I hope you enjoyed this food blog about the best Lamb Stew in Shaanxi, it is definitely something you should all try in your travels to China! To all foodies out there, see you in my next food blog very soon^^

Hello, Steemit的朋友,最近忙着做我的时尚系列blog,是不是好久没有和你们分享美食了?美好的夏天过去了,秋日来临之际,我想为大家介绍一款秋日最佳美食,现在大家就跟着我一起去店里看一看^^这是西安一家特色的西北菜餐馆,店里挂着有陕北特色的画。如果你喜欢吃肉,这里会是你的天堂。

吃之前,还要加点葱。我好奇地问服务员,这个肉怎么可以这么香,加了什么料呢?原来是用姜片、干辣椒、葱、花椒、盐、辣椒面一起倒入锅内,用旺火炖煮的。我把羊肉放在口里,真的好嫩,又没有膻味,重要的是羊肉是微辣的,味道很香,我就一口接一口停不下来^^ 吃一口羊肉,生吃一口蒜,这样在口中味道又香又健康。但是我从来没有生吃过蒜,犹豫了很久,下决心咬下第一口,味道果然棒棒的!秋天是最适合吃铁锅羊肉的季节,因为它热气腾腾,吃起来会让你身体充满能量,让你的喂暖和起来,增添一些脂肪,为过冬天做准备^^
下面是热菜: 麻辣豆腐、辣椒烤馍、用土豆炒的菜、烤羊肉串、烤土豆片。下面是中国式甜品:炸糕点、豆沙馅的饼、最后,还有一个彩色的生日蛋糕!


If you are interested in my other blogs related to Food please check out these other blogs below ^^
A thousand years ago, I was an Empress!
Eating Oysters is all about the mood and feel..
The night bazaars of Xi'an - A walk through Hui Street.
Food Friday! Japanese foods help to refresh the taste buds in the mouth .
Summer is the time for BBQ'——a look at Xi'an's famous BBQ.
Swimming-with-the-crayfish .
A Chinese twist on Japanese Cuisine.
Introducing Steemit to the best duck in town.
The Moon Festival's secret menu.
Girls have an appetite for pretty food or tasty food.


You are lucky , I've never tried it, most of these dishes )

Hi vi1son, may be come to China next time! It'll definitely be worth your time ^^

Ok, you convinced me, but first - Amsterdam :)

Xi'an has lots of goooood food,waiting for u to dig them out.

thank you @dixonloveart, I'll definitely share a lot of Chinese food in future posts^^

that's you on photo?

Yes, i have photos of me in nearly all my posts ^^

you looks very lovely. I'd come in this restaurant especially if you work there=)

Awesome. I also fondly remember 羊肉泡馍 and 肉夹馍 from my time in Shaanxi. Maybe you can feature them too some time :)