Swimming with the Crayfish. 坠入小龙虾的海洋。

in #food8 years ago (edited)


Eating meals at night may not be a popular activity everywhere in the world, but it is very popular in China. Even past midnight, a quick look at the take out food app shows a plethora of night time delicacies on offer. The most eye catching is the deep red, lobster like creatures. At first, they may look like Prawns, or even Lobsters, but alas, they are Crayfish. Their prevalence has brought Crayfish all the way to London where you can now order Crayfish from take out too. In just 20 years Crayfish has defeated provincial borders, local customs and discriminations, they are now enjoyed by the majority of the population, whether it's in North East China or Hainan.


A restaurant in Hubei Xiangyang district, bringing out a dish with 8 different styles with a total of 25kg worth of Crayfish!!! A true feast!

Credit tokankanews.com

In Chinese, Crayfish are colloquially known as Little Lobsters, afterall, they do look like mini lobsters. Fresh water crayfish have 540 different species. The main species (taking up 70% of the worlds proportion of crayfish) come from North America. In China, the one most commonly consumed is called Procambarus clarkii. Originating from North America, they have strong survival skills, and breed very easily. They are the most successful breed of fresh water crayfish thus far. The earliest crayfish in China were brought in from Japan and were not consumed by humans for food. They were fed to Bullfrogs as food.


I pay a visit to this famous Crayfish restaurant, I walk in and was immediately impressed with their western style decor. I definitely got the feeling that this restaurant is not just an average restaurant, but i'll let the food make that decision..



Behind me is a painting of some beautiful scenery.




White Curtains like from a dream vacation.



The Crayfish served at this restaurant are fit for nobility. Their bright red colours and careful preparation are the focal point of the dinner table. Each crayfish has been prepared such that the head and intestine trail have been removed. The back has also been cut open for ease of consumption. All the crayfish at this restaurant are female, the meat is more ample and plump. The waitress told us that the Crayfish are airflown here each morning from another city. Before serving the crayfish, the chef conducts two more checks. Any poor quality crayfish are removed, and any that are damaged during the cooking process are also removed. The crayfish are prepared to such detail that you can really taste the difference. They are so delicious and at the same time, so nuitrious!



These are the specialities, the iced fragrant crayfish. Each are very large, and the meat is soft and yet plump. It goes without saying they are also very fresh, each have been hand picked. These iced crayfish have been pre marinated with Maotai and Shaoxing Yellow Wine, as such the taste carries a slight alcoholic fragrance which along with its chewy texture makes the taste worth of the Chinese saying "So tasty i'm drunk".



Salted Crayfish. These are a tender red that look very attractive to the eye, from far, I can already smell the Salt and freshness. One serving is around 15 crayfish or so.


Edamame Beans are my favourite.


Garlic Crayfish, the aroma of garlic combined with the fresh crayfish still gives unique taste that doesn't overwhelm the natural flavour of the crayfish. After we finished eating these crayfish, we ordered some noodles which we added to this bowl with the remaining garlic sauce.


On the side of the pot, are some fried dough sticks served with aubergines. You can eat the friend dough bread alone, or with the Aubergines together.




Come to think of it, this was my first time eating crayfish with my own hands, admittedly I was quite nervous. The waitress showed us exactly how to eat the Crayfish, showing us how to open up the shell and take the edible part out to eat. I tried this myself very carefully, to be honest, it felt I was a doctor giving the crayfish some operation. Because the Crayfish has already been pre-prepared for your convenience, the head has been removed and the tail cut open. This makes eating the meat much easier. In the pictures you can see that the front part of the body is where the nutritious bits are, often they are yellow. This is why in Chinese it is literally called Shrimp Yellow. You eat the rest of the body along with the 'Yellow' part together. The taste is delicious, not greasy or offputing at all. This restaurant doesn't supply pliers, so eating the claws will requiring biting down with your teeth to break the shell open. It's quite tough but worth the patience!


This restaurant is now super popular, I had to make special reservations in advance. For those that didn't, the queue was humongous. Some people even brought out cards to play poker whilst they wait. For those thinking about visiting, make sure you book in advance!



In this last part, I want to briefly show you how some Chinese people fall into the ocean of Crayfish.. This is HangZhou's crayfish eating activity. In HangZhou the summers are blisteringly hot, often temperatures can reach up to 42 degrees celcius and the ground itself can be up to 70 degrees celcius. To make eating Crayfish more comfortable and relaxing, they've prepare the Crayfish in buckets upon buckets and put them on a floating table on the water. People then sit in the water eating the Crayfish. This means people can now eat whilst staying cool, and fill their hungry stomachs!


Credit to 163.com

The wooden tables are buoyant, the whole table is surrounded by people who eat the Crayfish, and drink alcohol at the same time. They also play games whilst eating. The whole scene is spectacular, very lively and everyone is having a good time. There's even girls who cosplay as Crayfish.. really cute!


Credit to 163.com

On this day, the person who organised this Crayfish eating event also provided prizes. The attendees were given much to be excited about, the huge amount of delicious food, the drinks and even prizes. Many foreigners were excited to attend and all had a terrific time.

Credit to 163.com

Credit to mydrivers.com

Of course, the Americans have been eating crayfish for many centuries, infact Louisiana State, the home of the Procambarus clarkii is where 70% of the Crayfish of the world are consumed.

Looks as though the whole world is into swimming with the crayfish.



Credit to mydrivers.com




No offence, but all i can say i love you. You are sexy =)

wow :) I like crayfish to eat, catch and grow.
And by this reason I have my own little crayfish farm inside my house :)

Wow, that's amazing!

I love xiaolongxia, so this post is great :) btw I just discovered they sell frozen chinese crayfish in IKEA (at least where I live). I am going to try to replace the dill broth they come in with some spicy mala soup.

Don't eat them if they are frozen

你的吃相太诱人了 :)




Wow... I've never seen this in Japan. Where exactly is this resturant and is it only in summer? Because if I go some day, I'd rather not go when it's so hot.

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