Miss. Delicious #44 : London's most beautiful garden restaurant - The Churchill Bar & Terrace

in #food8 years ago


Today, i'm taking everyone to one of London's most seasonally beautiful garden restaurants, The Churchill Bar & Restaurant at Hyatt Regency London . One of the draws of the restaurant is it's incredible use of seasonal plants and flowers for the interior decoration and many who have visited London in the Spring have cited this restaurant as a must visit. Before I even came to London, I already wanted to visit this restaurant and see it with my own eyes, maybe I was drawn to the soft and fragrant decoration from the pictures I saw on the internet. The location of this hotel restaurant is also very convenient. It's only a short walk from the British Museum.


Imgur30 Portman Square, Marylebone, London W1H 7BH
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Something that stood out to me was the name of the restaurant. It is named after the famous Winston Churchill who was the former British Prime Minister. Of course, he was a very important historical figure particularly in the second World War. In 2002, Churchill was awarded with the top spot for greatest Britons for his service to the country during the difficult times of the second world war, but also for restoring prosperity and bring stability to international politics.

As for this Hotel, it was opened in 1970, but has since been refurbished a new. Let's take a look inside and see what's on offer!

It's currently Spring time in London and the weather seems to be getting warmer each day, but anyone who lives in London will know, the wind chill factor is very much real and today happened to be a particularly windy day. I arranged to meet my friend directly at the hotel. As I walked into the lobby, I noticed how archaic the interior design was. Very fitting in my opinion.
On one side of the lobby, we have The Montage restaurant which serves British and European style cuisines. The restaurant has quite ambient lighting as well as some light background music. In the afternoon, it seems there are not too many diners here and is very quiet.
We had a walk around to look for the Churchill Restaurant and couldn't find it anywhere, so we went to the customer service desk to ask for directions.
The assistant was kind enough to take us to the Churchill restaurant. We had to walk through The Montage and through another corridor to find the Churchill restaurant some what concealed in the corner. It's not at all obvious where it is, feels like they're trying to make the restaurant location a secret..
As we entered the bar, we noticed how it was already full of guests and the environment was bustling with noise and excitement. It's quite a stark contrast to the mood at the restaurant.
We chose to sit outside. Even though it was a little windy, the decoration was so beautiful and definitely worth the slight chill.
In one of the corners outside, there is a metal statue of Churchill sitting with guests, it's quite common to see these metal statues across London. At the bar, there are some Cigars for sale and actually outside is the area designated to smoking Cigars, but the decoration outside is like from another world. On the branches and leaves, are carefully placed lights that remind me a lot of fireflies resting on the branches. Their little sparkle reminds me of the winter season we just left behind and Christmas. I absolutely loved this.
There aren't too many choices of food to choose from at this restaurant bar, but there are a lot of choices for tea. I heard that in 2012 the hotel was also given an outstanding award for their tea by the British Tea Association. My friend ordered the Lychee tea, and I opted for the Rose petal tea. Both tasted pretty good.
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Next up we ordered the main feature of the night, the Chocolate Fondue. As you can see there were a variety of fruits and crispy cones to dip into the warm chocolate. It was a delightfully sweet dish.

The chocolate fondue is not just a treat to those with a sweet tooth, it's also aesthetically very pleasing. Beside the chocolate fountain you can see Strawberries, Pineapples and other sour tasting fruits. The egg rolls taste exquisite along with the sour fruits. Together with the tea, the sweetness is balanced out. I honestly couldn't stop eating this, it was just too delicious. Of course, I cannot forget the wonderful Italian spaghetti bolognese for the main. That too was delicious..
Outside, the restaurant kindly provided us with blankets and hand warmers knowing it can get a bit chilly.
As we approached evening time, the temperature dropped some more and it became quite cold. We took some photos and then moved inside.
Inside it was much warmer. Because this restaurant is named after Churchill, there is a cabinet which is full of some Churchill collectables. I'm amazed at how much history and culture is retained here. Along with the beautiful decoration, this really is a gem of a place.
And that wraps up our visit to the Churchill Bar and Terrace. Hope you enjoyed this edition of Ms. Delicious. See you all very soon for more exciting food delights!
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今天我想带大家走进伦敦一家有趣的花园餐厅, 它独特的装饰吸引了很多人的目光, 很多来都说这家餐厅成了近日来伦敦旅不容错过的“景点“。还没来伦敦的时候,我就很期待来这家餐厅看看,也许是被它温馨的布置还有所吸引。凯悦伦敦丘吉尔酒店地理位置很方便,就在大英博物馆附近。最让我觉得有趣的是酒店的名字,这家酒店是以前英國首相丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)命名的,可见这位政治家在英国历史上扮演了很重要的角色,在2002年BBC的伟人选举中,丘吉尔被选为史上最伟大的英国人。这家酒店于1970年开业,在英国有长长的历史,至今已经重新装修,焕然一新。今天我们就来与丘吉尔同名的传统英式酒吧探索一下吧,我对它充满了好奇,你们呢?
现在是伦敦的春天,虽然温度日渐上涨,但是风还是很大。我和朋友约好在酒店见面,酒店的大堂看起来有些古老。大堂的一侧是The Montage餐厅,提供英式和欧洲菜系,餐厅的光线很暗,放着轻音乐,下午的时候没什么客人用餐,很安静。我们在大堂转了好久也没有找到丘吉尔酒吧,只好请服务员带路。服务员带着我们经过The Montage餐厅,过一个走廊,在一个隐蔽的角落找到了丘吉尔酒吧,非常神秘的感觉。走进酒吧,里面已经坐满了客人,好热闹,和餐厅的环境有很大的反差。我们选择坐在室外,虽然风很大,但是很漂亮。在室外廊的一个角落,还有丘吉尔的雕塑,陪伴客人坐在一起,很有意思的设计。酒吧有雪茄发售,室外其实是抽雪茄区域,但是室外装饰的却像另一个世界,一闪一闪的让我想起圣诞节的记忆,我非常喜欢。酒吧里可以点餐的食物种类没有很多,但是茶的品种却非常丰富,听说在2012年有着茶叶解奥斯卡奖之称得英国茶叶协会还颁给这家酒店杰出奖。我和朋友点的是荔枝口味和玫瑰口味的茶,味道还不错。
接下来我们点了这家餐厅最大的亮点,就是甜品巧克力火锅(CHOCOLATE FONDUE ),好甜蜜的感觉。这个巧克力火锅不仅颜值很高,而且味道也很好。边上是各种酸酸的水果,例如草莓,菠萝,还有蛋卷。分别用他们去占中间点着火,烧得热热的巧克力浆,就可以吃到酸甜的不同种食物配搭的巧克力浆了。边上是意大利肉酱面,也很好吃。在室外的餐桌边,餐厅很贴心的配了毛毯和暖宝宝。傍晚的时候风越来越大,和丘吉尔匆忙合影之后,我们决定搬去室内了。室内温暖很多。因为这个酒吧是以丘吉尔命名的,在我身后放了不少丘吉尔本人的珍藏,真的是一家拥有文化历史和美丽布置得可爱酒吧呢。希望大家喜欢我们今天的探索,之后还有更多关于伦敦有趣的美食和游记等着和大家分享。


The last photo of you adjusting your hair...
I can see the camera flash on your right and a man or woman on your left in the mirror reflection. Who is looking at who?

Wow good eyes! It's my friend who went with .e on this trip. You can see her in one of the first fee photos!

@sweetsssj you're here!
i missed so many of your posts in the past - it sucks so am actually glad about the 7 day pay out! I made it this time ^ ^

Thanks englishtchrivy, missed seeing you here! I won't be going anywhere!

@sweetsssj aw that's very very sweet of you!
Followed you in twitter today!
saw Ned retweeted your droning article :D!
I'm not going anywhere either ...
Stay warm!

Ooh that's fantastic, i'm still getting used to twitter so i'm not sure about how to use it yet, but i will follow !

@sweetsssj I could see you're new on it :D

As always, your post is highly appreciated, thank you.

The secretive aspect of this restaurant probably allows for a very intimate time to share and take precious time with one another. The foods and beverages seemed delectable. I might just be a bit too positively biased about your food choices... Nevertheless, I would definitely have enjoyed the menu, from what I saw you and your friend order.

Have a wonderful day, keep your magnificent smile and namaste :)

I think you have a good point there Eric, the fact that it's hard to find means it's very private indeed. Perfect for some bonding !

mmmmmm Chocolate Fondue!!! :-)

Usually I try to post more meaningful comments, but this time, that's all I got! :P

Short but sweet is sweet none the less!

Next time invite me.

The rose tea looks so delicious!
Thanks for sharing @sweetsssj

Oh it was, i'm actually not so much a tea person, but maybe I should be!

I love tea and rose tea is my favorite so it definitely catched my eye.
Have fun in London... I'm sure you will find many opportunities to enjoy tea time there.

Hmmm will definitely check that place out! In UK, nothing beats a cup of tea!

So true!

if not coffee lolsss

Hey @sweetsssj! Refreshing reading. Thanks!

Thanks very much! Always a pleasure to share!

That looks wonderful, there is nothing quite like warm dipping chocolate and fruit 😊 Yum!!

Yes it was really much needed warmth with the wind so strong !

What an exquisite journey! I shall have to visit someday. :)

I hope you do! By that time I'll have a better and more complete list of London activities!

Looks great. Thank you for sharing @sweetsssj ;)

Thanks bontonstory!

I hope i can be there someday...
There r so many beautifull place in this world... 😍😍😍

Maybe one of life challenges is to discover and experience as many of the beautiful places in this world as possible!

What do you live on? Who's paying for all the things you do and all the places you go?

Looks like someone was in on bitcoin in it's early stages lol

Title had me thinking you were talking about me as my name is Terrance ha!
I was thinking is this girl really asking me out in front of the whole community ;)

Haha quite the eyes and imagination you have!

Usually my imagination turns Reality ;)

I am gonna have to give it a try :)

We have The Churchill Tavern here in NYC... Very English, obviously.., also very cozy and romantic type of place. All the English standards, Shepherd’s Pie, Fish and Chips. Lots of British memorabilia.., and a garden room upstairs decorated with teapots. Cool spot with great ambiance and tons of whisky. CHEERS @sweetsssj!

Oh really? I had no idea there was also one there! I shall add it to my must visit list!

Churchill Tavern -- 45 E 28th St, New York, NY 10016

Noted! Thank you!

What are the bright pink delectables on the fondue tray?

They are pitaya fruits!

Again an extraordinary post @sweetsssj congratulations for your good taste, the images you have presented are great, thank you very much for including us on your beautiful walk.

Thank you! You're very welcome, that is for dropping by and taking the walk with me (virtually!)

looks like a nice place for a meal

Indeed it was, really cosy place even when it was windy outside. I imagine it is better in the summer!

wow..nice post

thanks dapu, be sure to follow for more delicious food and other goodies!

ok Thank you too

Looks like some delicious food!
Very glamourous photos, too!

Thank you very much breakingtonight!

You're most welcome!

Food looks great, must be expensive!

thanks! It wasn't actually that bad at all, final bill was around £20 per person!

Nice and cozy) Is it cold in the garden? You are covered with a rug.

Definitely cozy, even though it is indeed cold outside, I think the cozy feeling comes from the atmosphere, and not literally the temperature!

wow thanks for sharing the photography came out amazing

thank you! It's always pretty hard to take pictures when it's dark.

Lovely! Mentioned in my last post about Medvedgrad castle!

Oooh lovely article, thank you very much for the mention.

thanks hilarski ! Always appreciate it! :)

Beautiful post. I will follow you

thank you :D

Lovely! Don't miss out on the exquisite museums when you're there, London is such a delight of a place.

Oh yes definitely, and of course, I will do my best to share my experiences with everyone :)

Very good article and post but you deserve more reward as you follow this so no one is going to publish it would not make sense to post on steemit and the rewards are so ridiculous