让我带你体会一下iL Capriccio餐厅的美食 Italian restaurant

in #food7 years ago (edited)


IL Capriccio 是我们镇里的另一家意大利餐厅。门面从外面看不大也不起眼。如果不是朋友推荐的话,估计走过也不会留意。 进去后才发现它另有天堂。不仅有私人场地,还有各个隔间。当我们在吧台等朋友来的时候, 我和酒保聊了一会。我感觉它的格局有点奇怪,好像不是同时设计的。 酒保的话证实了我的疑虑。原来该餐厅的左边部分原来是家冰激凌店,后面被这家餐厅的主人买了,又重新扩建。 他们还把地底下打通,变成私人场地。如果有人要办理私人生日聚会,或公司聚会的话,那是不错的选择。

IL Capriccio is another Italian restaurant in our town center. It's not very noticeable from outside. If it wasn't a recommendation by friend, we may not even notice it. After you get in, you will be surprised by how big they actually are. They have different segmentations for private and open sessions. While we were waiting for friends at the bar, I chatted with the bartender. Their layout is a little bit strange, it doesn't look to me that they were designed and built at the same time. The bartender confirmed my questions. Part of the restaurant was an ice cream shop, the owner of the restaurant acquired it and turned it into the restaurant. He also expanded the area, and made basement into private session. People can reserve it for private parties like birthday or work.

从第一张图你可以看到他们的门面是多么的小。虽然颜色很艳丽,但只有一扇小门。888 的门牌号对咱国人来说可是个吉利的号码。 但这门面也太小气了吧?特别是在美国大家出行走路的时间少。很容易就错过了。 不过既然我们去了,就相信是酒香不怕巷子深吧。大家一起进来看看。

As you can see their front door is very small, I like their number 888 as I am Chinese. 8 means fortunate and lucky. But with so small front door, even with vivid red color, it's still hard for people to take notice. esp when most of the time people drive here. but since we are here, why not get inside and explore?







等朋友的时候我们点了IPL 啤酒和Mojito. 我平时去餐厅喜欢点鸡尾酒,所以Mojito和Margarita 是我的首选。偶尔也点红酒。但我本人对红酒里的组织胺有点轻微过敏,每次一靠近嘴边,就不停地打喷嚏。所以虽然知道红酒的好处,也不是很经常去喝。 这里的 Mojito 烈酒加得比较多,所以有点冲。我平时也就一杯酒的量。而且只有在朋友聚会的时候才喝一点。所以太多酒精我不是很喜欢。但是我喜欢basil叶子和青檬的味道。这也是为什么我喜欢吃越南粉的原因。

While we were waiting, we ordered IPL beer and Mojito. Usually when I eat out, I will always order cocktail. Mojito and Margarita are my favorites. Sometimes, I will drink wine but unfortunately, I am a little allergic to histamine in wine, it makes me sneeze all the time before I even drink it. I know how wine can do good to us, but I have to try to avoid it if I can. The mojito served here has a lot alcohol in it. So it was a little bit strong for me. I am not a drinker, I can only have one cup maximum. and I like it mild, so too much alcohol wasn't to my liking. But I do like basil and lime. This is why Vietnamese pho is one of my favorite dish when I eat simple.



终于朋友们来齐了,大家一起就坐。 先点了些前菜:

Finally all friends were here. We were seated and started with some appetizers:

Steamed P.E.I Mussels - with white wine, pear tomato and onion


This is one of their specials.


Grilled Octopus and Cla Stuffed Calamari on Chick Pea Pur-



Can you tell what this is? it's snail. It was highly recommended by the waitress. But I didn't really like it as to me, it was too plain.


大家依照各自的爱好,点了主食。 我喜欢吃海鲜,所以点了干贝。口感非常不错,新鲜,美味。老公点了手工切土豆面,我也尝了点,感觉还是La Campania 的好吃。 但价格方面还是比较合理。所以很高兴在同一小镇里可以找到两家不同的意大利餐厅。 有得选择。 如果你要正宗的,口感一流的意大利餐,又对价格没有很大挑剔的话, La Campania 是你最佳的选择。但如果你对价格比较在意,又想吃比较纯正的意大利菜的话,我可以推荐你去 iL Capriccio 去试试。

We all ordered our main course based on our own liking. I always love seafood, so I ordered grilled scallops. That was a killer. I loved it. My husband ordered potato gnocchi with Morels, Fresh Porcini and Favas. I took a small bite, personally prefer the one at La Campania. But if you compare to the price, it's still a good choice. So glad that we have two awesome Italian restaurants in our town center. If you prefer first class, authentic Italian food and don't care about price too much, La Campania is the best choice. But if you want something good in more affordable price, iL Capriccio is definitely what I would recommend.





这是我之前写的关于 La Campania 的文章,有兴趣的朋友可以进去看看。 谢谢你的时间和阅读。

Here's like to my previous post about La Campania, if you are interested, pls take a look and compare. Thanks for your time and reading.



我要變肥仔了 :(



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看著看著我就肚子餓了~ :P
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