Courgette Overload in the Veggie Garden!

in #food2 years ago


I don't know if it's the persistent wet and windy weather that we've been having over the past month or so, but the courgettes are loving it! 🤣

We have courgette overload in the veggie garden...

This is just a small sample of the courgettes (a lot have grown into marrows 😳) that I've picked over the past couple of days.

There are plenty more to come and plenty that I've already picked and we've eaten.

Barely a day goes by without us chomping on some courgette in our evening meal (a cause of much derision in the family 😂).

Ah well, owt's better than nowt and Mrs L can cook up an amazing courgette cake (not a word of a lie, see below)



I think it is safe to say that courgette plants and germinates well in the cold weather
How about that?

Such vegetables are very good for human health especially those grown by man in his own garden.