My light lunch - the good stuff

in #food7 years ago

Have you heard of nutritional yeast?It is very popular with vegans and vegetarians and could be used in recipes or as a condiment.

Nutritional yeast has a strong flavour and I find it nutty and cheesy, therefore some use it as cheese substitutes.

Here is my light lunch with some nutritional yeast on top - It actually tastes damn good if you ask me!!!




yummy and good!

And healthy too!

Nutritional yeast is amazing! I try to tell as many people about it as I can

Totally agree - Me too.

this is blanched broccoli right?
are there anymore ingredients or is it just broccoli and topped with this nutritional yeast? I'm so curious. I love broccoli thats why.

Indeed - I blanched in hot warm for like 3 minutes and top with nutritional yeast. Only two ingredients used.

Hello! So happy for this idea, very practical. I really want to use nutritional yeast because of that B vitamin it contain! so, yes, thank you! i will try to add it in my food as you did! Cheers :)