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RE: [직업蟲:농사] 자가용 무농약 짜투리밭 [job:farmer] no chemicals small field for self-consume

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your kind comment about Indonesian farming, @ojaatjeh.

If you can say something about
the farmer use pesticide for the majority of their field whose products are for sale
while they keep a separate small field where they don't use such pesticide for their own family use,
you can get the prize for my Quiz 1.


I can not guarantee it's not there. I'm sure it must be there, only I do not dare say. Because I have no strong evidence about it.
But if home-grown farmers in a capacity that I find a bit more. We call it TOGA or Family Medicinal Plants. In it there are various types of plants that do not use pesticides.

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Thank you very much for your attention. I'm just talking what I've been through. If I say in Indonesia there is also such a thing. It is just my assumption and not strong with the evidence. Thanks again @steamsteem

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment