Hello all...!!!
Today I want to share recipe with you : How to make delicious fried chicken
this food looks simple but it feels very delicious, this food when we eat mixed with rice to make it delicious and this is also a side dish of rice to increase our appetite Have you ever tried to cook a meal like this, if you have not, you should try it, I guarantee you will love the delicacy of the flavors you get from this food
How you want to try it, Here are the ingredients and how to cook.
- 1 kg chicken
- 50 gram galangal (shredded)
- 1/2 cup water
- salt to taste
- 2 cloves Shallot
- 5 cloves garlic
- 1/2 tablespoon turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon coriander powder
- 1 tablespoon anise
- 1/4 tablespoon pepper powder
- clean up chicken then cut according to taste and rinse thoroughly.
- mix the spices fine, grated galangal and salt with chicken that has been cleaned
- then steam the already seasoned chicken by adding a little water
- after finished steaming then fry back the chicken until cooked
- Finished
- Mix with rice when we enjoy it
This recipe I write in Aceh Indonesia in the hope of being useful and you like my work
You like it follow me @silvia Thank you very much
Halo semua...!!!
Hari ini saya ingin berbagi resep dengan anda : Cara membuat ayam goreng yang lezat
makanan ini terlihat sederhana tapi rasanya sangat lezat, makanan ini saat kita makan dicampur dengan nasi agar lebih enak dan ini juga lauk nasi untuk menambah nafsu makan. Pernahkah Anda mencoba memasak makanan seperti ini, jika belum pernah, anda harus mencobanya, saya jamin anda akan menyukai kelezatan rasa yang anda dapatkan dari makanan ini.
Bagaimana anda ingin mencobanya, Berikut adalah bahan dan cara memasaknya :
- 1 kg ayam
- 50 grams lengkuas (diparut)
- 1/2 cangkir air
- garam secukupnya
- 2 siung bawang merah
- 5 siung bawang putih
- 1/2 sendok makan bubuk kunyit
- 1 sendok makan ketumbar bubuk
- 1/8 sendok makan adas manis
- 1/4 sendok makan merica bubuk
- Bersihkan ayam lalu potong sesuai selera dan bilas sampai bersih.
- campurkan bumbu halus, parutan lengkuas dan garam dengan ayam yang sudah dibersihkan
- setelah itu kukus ayam yang sudah dibumbui dengan menambahkan sedikit air
- setelah selesai dikukus kemudian goreng kembali ayam tersebut sampai matang
- Selesai
- Campur dengan nasi saat kita menikmatinya
Resep ini saya tulis di Aceh indonesi dengan harapan bisa bermanfaat dan anda menyukai karya saya ini
Kamu menyukainya ikuti saya @silvia terima kasih banyak
😋 yummy!
I want some!
Thank you so much
Hey I got locked outta my account sadly. This is my new one. My first post is a video of me proving it’s me. Sucks it’s like totally starting over all cause I messed up my password when I backed it up :(
If you were following me @geneeverett please shoot me a follow here as this is my account now. Again I do a vlog showing this is me as my first post late last night!
I like fried chicken very much. Its very good to know how to make it at home.
Yes, please try 😆
Thank you so much selimuddin
You are most welcome, I am following you to learn how to cook . Hahha.
selamat pagi @silvia
postingan anda sangat bermanfaat. terima kasih.
Pagi juga @kibannabereh
Terima kasih juga sudah berkunjung
Kop mangat ayam goreng ka @silvia
Uronyo sempat maguen kak euhh.??
Hana jak bak ie se uum.. he.. He..
Hahaha 😂 😂
Hana lee thoen uke tajak lom..
Terima kasih komentar nya @putraabdal
Ingin rasanya aju menikmatinya @silvia.... Lileh ie babah teuh. Hehe