Once I adopted Metabolic Typing into my practice, the patients who previously had not responded well to our program started to improve. I will be eternally grateful to Bill Wolcott for revolutioniz- ing the way I practiced medicine. It is my belief that Metabolic Typing and understanding the importance of insulin control are the two most important principles of successful nutrition counseling. In my opinion, they are both deserving of the nutritional equivalent of the Nobel Prize. I had previously recommended fresh organic vegetable juice to everyone, but realized after learning about Metabolic Typing that this has the greatest value for Carb Types, has less value for most Mixed Types and has the least value for Protein Types. Metabolic Typing helped me finally understand that the high protein, low-carb diet I had been advocating as a starting point to all of my patients to nor- malize insulin levels was a disaster for Carb Types. These people actually needed a dietary approach that was closer to what Pritikin advised. Now, it’s important to understand that I didn’t abandon all of the nutritional principles I had acquired prior to learning about Metabolic Typing, such as eating lots of fresh, raw, organic, whole foods. My team and I actually incorporated this strong emphasis on food quality at the very beginning of our practice of Metabolic Type nutrition. We also made the discovery (after just a few months of practicing Metabolic Type nutrition) that it is not enough to make the right food choices. It’s equally important to eat your foods—at each meal—in the right order! For instance, which food do you think would be the best one for Protein Types to eat first at any given meal—meat or a vegetable? Which food do you think would be the best one for Carb Types to eat first at any given meal—meat or a vegetable? And, which food do you think would be the best one for Mixed Types to eat first at any given meal—meat or a vegetable? Protein Types should eat their meat first, Carb Types should eat their vegetable first, and Mixed Types should eat their meat and veg- etable together! When this is faithfully practiced, digestive and meta- bolic efficiency typically improves dramatically. This is indicated by:
• Improved meal satisfaction (and with smaller portions of food)
• No need for snacks in between meals
• No more food cravings
Over the course of the five years we have been using Metabolic Typing, we have identified what is most valuable about the system
8 Healthy Recipes for Your Nutritional Type
that we started with. We have eliminated what is unnecessary and burdensome, and came up with big nutritional improvements that have helped our patients often experience dramatic and even amaz- ing improvements in their health—often within the first month of eating right for their Nutritional Type. When I told other clinicians who were doing Metabolic Typing with their patients how we had improved the Metabolic Type nutri- tion plans, I was surprised to hear that they were all eager to learn about what we were doing. This was because many of them had actu- ally stopped using Metabolic Typing in their practice. Why? Because it was simply too complex and burdensome for the average patient to successfully implement. Our experience with thousands of patients has confirmed for us, over and over again, that we have identified the most important nutritional principles that help people to achieve dramatically improved health, without burdensome effort.
Raw Food Evolution-
After I had become comfortable with Metabolic Typing, I learned more about the Weston Price Foundation with Sally Fallon and Mary Enig. Their compelling literature started my raw food exploration by using raw dairy. It took nearly two years to locate an Amish farmer in Michigan who could drive dairy to my Chicago-area clinic, but it was well worth the wait. I observed yet another improvement boost among many of our patients who were able to access raw, unpasteur- ized dairy. From there, I progressed to one of the only teachers of raw animal foods, Aajonus Vanderplanitz. Vanderplanitz teaches that humans are the only species that cooks their meat. All other animals eat their food and meat raw. Vanderplanitz was able to recover from some very serious medical problems by eating a raw food diet and he has helped many people do the same. While I don’t agree with everything that Vanderplanitz teaches, especially his liberal use of raw honey, he has uncovered many help- ful principles and his work is part of our new system called Nutritional Typing.