Hello, dear friends, here I bring you another test preparation in my kitchen, some delicious meatloaf cooked in sweet and sour sauce.

To prepare this delicious dish we will need the following:
250 grams of ground meat
Sweet and sour sauce (you can buy it ready or you can prepare it at home)
soy sauce
1 egg
If you want to add chopped coriander to accompany.
We are going to put the meat in a bowl and add all the seasonings such as salt, pepper, the egg, oregano, garlic and we are mixing, soy sauce, for a few minutes and then let it rest a little while we put a pan on low heat.

After resting the meat for a few minutes we will make small balls and we will immerse in flour so that it does not stick while we cook at the beginning.
We will be placing our balls in the pan over low heat and let the meat cook for a few minutes.
In the meantime we can make our sweet and sour sauce, in this case I will explain it to you on another occasion since I already bought it prepared;)
While the meat is cooking we can add more soy sauce and then when it is almost ready we add the sweet and sour sauce and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes.

And there we will have our delicious meatballs ready to serve with pasta or salad and puree as you prefer.

Adding coriander to it is one of my personal touches if you want to do it;
Fondly ;)