Teppanyaki is a Japanese method of cooking that means grilling food on an iron plate. It is a wonderful treat for our family when celebrating a special occasion.
These photos are from our most recent family vacation.
The food quality is very high and I always enjoy each chef's unique ability to entertain while we enjoy their creations.
Good post brother
I like tapanyeki in javanese @senseicat
really food that makes eyes want to eat it right away @senseicat
Was there any special occasion to have Teppanyaki in your photo?
Our anniversary, thank you for asking.
Belated Happy Anniversary! :)
Congratulations for that special moment you celebrate,
It looks very appetizing.
Greetings from Venezuela
food is very good friends
Yummy for tummy, thanks for bringing to me , i will eat all😊😊😋😋😜
Wow, the food looks so delicious, i really liked the chicken hahaha
That's lovely, honesty I have never tasted something like this. Maybe if we were in the same country, trust me I would have located you so I can equally have a taste of the teppanyaki method of preparing food.
Hope you had an amazing time at the vacation ?
Healthy Food