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RE: Japanese Somen and Senbei (Ricecracker)

in #food8 years ago

I had sushi before but the way in which you blog about it I think I will head to a sushi restaurant here n Antigua! Very informative stuff!!!


if you had sushi before and didnt like it, give it another try. go to the most expensive sushi restaurant in your area, and buy the best you can get. If you still dont like that, we need to meet in japan :)

@knozaki2015 I cried when I first had my sushi I didn't know that wasabi taste like what it taste like. My ears smoked like that of a dragon in anime and tears uncontrollably rolled down my cheeks and my nose run but I love Sushi to death!

they cried, because they had never eaten something so special and pricey before ;)

i think it were tears of joy and fear...

so the tuna of the black fin tuna we ate, was so special and perfect, that even I still can remember the taste... but I still remember that we paid 27 $ per piece for that nigiri...

it was not about the wasabi ;)

i see .. tears of joy ...
27 per piece - wow again .. pretty pricey it must be that delicious!

haha. but I had people cry in japan when they tried that japanese black tuna toro sashimi... ;)

because of the wasabi or the spicy cayenne slices?
I've never had that yet. I wonder what that taste like.