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RE: Japanese Taiyaki with Coconut Egg Jam Filling

in #food3 months ago

Those fish pans are adorable XD

I'm really tired so I've already forgotten the ingredients list, I'm just going to assume it will taste good.

Yay for being able to do more workouts! So recovery is going good then? :)


Spoke too soon, meh

A day after, i was in terrible pain even ibuprofen didnt work, for once 😩😩😩😩

So am back to doing just 15 mins after meals, as opposed to 1 H waking up, 15 mins after each meal, the dumbles also back to 10 count each

Maybe pushed too much too soon? :< Remember to take it easy, when recovering it's easy to do way too much because you're feeling better and reset everything.

Yes....just because outer incision looks okay, doesnt mean inside incisions already healed 😅 i did push myself too much