Yeh probably not great for the environment but totally get you on the dish hating XD I think I just need to get the kids some new lunch boxes, we had these cute metal ones which were great when they were primary school aged but aren't really cutting it for growing teens and pre-teens, I fill them up and still have to buy them something when we're out coz they're STAAAAAAAARVING x_x

Haha, growing kids do that. I am amazed at what our little one can fit in and still be hungry. He could eat all day if we let him lol.
Grazing all day probably wouldn't hurt him anyway unless he doesn't have the metabolism for it (probably not a concern as I'm reasonably certain kids either have pocket dimensions or black holes for stomachs for the most part). Probably won't be long til he's squeezing in adult-sized portions and you're staring going wtf did he put it XD