
Did you know that tomato is a fruit?

I did know lol :P

liked and followed :)

McDonald's sells 75 Hamburgers every second of every day.

That's just scary. And it makes me hungry.

Liked and followed!

i cant read all that but i feel like i need to eat!

what is reality???

how is this comment supposed to relate to the post??

Humans share 50% of their DNA with Bananas, i knew it i am a minion :P

I have been undergone kidney transplant as of recent ... all those that where my lights in this process strongly suggest eat HEALTHY ..that is if your body asks for it GIVE IT TO HIM ... LOL any case thanks for post !!

wow what a great post, i did not know 99% of these facts, thanks for sharing!

Amazing facts. Did not imagined many of them, like the fact that pinapple is growing like this. I always imagined it growing in trees. Great article!

I thought I heard they can also take up to 7 years to grow... went to google check that before posting first - seems that was too long, but still might be around two years...

Very nice, thanks for sharing. BTW Quinoa picture is missing.

good catch. was missing from the original email, so found a replacement photo on Google Images and updated...

Very beautiful and full of natural products in your place ... you must be very active to take care of her .... and thank you for vote u for me yes ....

So few people could tell you how different plants grow. Ask the average person how a peanut grows and they will not have a clue.

Very good facts about food, makes you think you were living in a lie all of these years. peace

I had no idea peanuts are legumes, what a crazy world...So peanut butter should be called bean butter.

Great post.

Interesting post! Did you know bluebirds cannot see the colour blue. :)

Did you know that beer is a probiotic?

I didn't. Now I have an excellent excuse for drinking more beer. :-)

interesting i wonder how prepare food with this items

Very nice! Keep up the good work!

So much fun!! Didn't know most of them. A few of my favorites:

  • Ripe Cranberries will bounce like rubber balls.
  • Vending machines are twice as likely to kill you than a shark is.
  • Coconuts kill more people than Sharks every year. So do Cows.

I'll be giggling about these for hours (oh, and trying to bounce ripe cranberries).