A Simple Gluten-free Recipe: Gently Steamed Asparagus And Bacon, Dusted With Freshly Grated Parmasean Cheese

in #food7 years ago

@knarly327 and I consume a high plant-based, gluten-free diet. We've been eating this way since 2011 and haven't gone hungry yet but it does mean that we occasionally consume foods at unconventional times.

Today was no exception.

We ate gently steamed asparagus for breakfast.

Yeah, you read that correctly.

Asparagus is one of those cruciferous vegetables that contains a high amount of sulfur (just like broccoli, cabbage and Brussel sprouts do). The sulfur containing compounds are called glucosinalates and they give our cells the nutritional density that they require to function optimally from an energy perspective. Cruciferous vegetables also contain a compound called indole-3-carbinol which can reduce the risk of colon, breast and lung cancer.

Generally Cruciferous Vegetables Reduce Inflammation In The Body When Ingested 

Cruciferous vegetables are often vegetables that people don't like the taste of and as a result the average person in North America, doesn't eat enough of them unless they are making a concerted effort to do so.

To make this dish, you'll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 lb or 454 grams of fresh asparagus (cut in bite-size pieces and steamed for 12 minutes)
  • 1/4 cup of cooked bacon (chopped)
  • 1/4 cup of freshly grated Parmesan cheese 
  • 2 tsp of extra light olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp of balsamic vinegar
  • and salt and pepper to taste

Yield: 2 servings. 


Place 1/2 the steamed asparagus in a shallow serving bowl. Immediately top with 1/2 the chopped bacon and 1/2 the freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Drizzle with 1/2 the oil and vinegar and season with salt and pepper to taste. Repeat the steps to make the second serving.


This dish is equally delicious as a cold salad. It's also quite good with just the oil, vinegar and salt and pepper for those that are vegan.

Lets take a closer look.

Interestingly, Today I Learned That...

The reason that asparagus makes your urine smell pungent after you eat it, is because of compounds in it called asparagusic acid and mercaptan. Once our bodies start to digest and breakdown asparagus (through an enzymatic process) this smell becomes evident in the urine. It is thought that only 50 % of people on the planet can detect this distinct smell and it's related to a gene mutation. Allegedly there are about 400 genes that are responsible for the ability to detect smell and some how we found a mutation that is linked to our evolution as a species. It turns out that we use our sense of sight more than our sense of smell and it is thought that over-time people developed this mutation because the sense of smell is not as important to our survival as it is in other mammals. (Thanks to Google for letting me research this information today and learn about Dr. Anish Sheth's work.) 

I know! Fun right? So, I thought I would take a little Steemit poll.

(Please feel free to leave a comment with your answers.)

Have you eaten asparagus before?

If so, can you detect the vaporous odor of asparagus in your urine?

(Please don't tell me about whether you can detect the odor in other bodily fluids as well. LOL!) 

I welcome your comments (well most of them) and I invite you to follow me on my journey... I have old genetics and I can detect asparagus vapor in my urine and in the urine of others...just in case you were interested. LOL!

~ Rebecca Ryan


I did not know about the urine part until now! Now I will be tempted to smell mine just for the experience! Hahaha!
So how are you my friend? How's winter going on? On this side of the earth, things are not looking good at all with a cyclone coming straight on our island! We have already started getting some violent winds and gusts!
Btw your dish is so tempting as usual!

And before ending I will say sorry for not being present the last weeks, been so busy, well I know you know it very well!

Hi @progressivechef! It's great to hear from you! You have been in my thoughts the last 6 weeks and I hope things are going fabulously in your new bistro. So many details to manage, I don't even want to know how many hours you've been clocking in an average week.

Let me just put it this way on the asparagus thing, you can either smell the pungent aroma or you can't. There's no mistaking it and there's no mild version (at least in my experience). LOL! Trust me. You'll not have any doubt whether you can smell it or not.

It has been unusually cold and we've had more ice and snow than other years. We are surviving but I can tell you that I am becoming tired of all the layering in wool that has been required. The other day @knarly327 and I cracked and booked a trip for a week. We rented a house on an island with another couple and I'm looking forward to the break from "frozen".

Cyclone!!! Do you prepare for these extreme weather events?
I wish you all the best Chef and safe refuge from the storm. ;)

This was funny because as I was reading this, I was going to ask you about the urine and then you mentioned it. I was going to guess that the presence of sulfur caused the pee-pee to smell bad but I reckon I was wrong lol. To answer your questions though, I love asparagus and I can detect that shit like a boss too! Never fails, it only takes minutes after eating it to change the smell of my pee-pee and it's very strong!

We'll just add ability to detect obscure vaporous odors to the every-growing list of organic anomalies that are the same between us.
So the next question is: Can @carolina-girl detect the aroma too?
@knarly327 can.

I've never noticed my urin smelling more pungent ha ha. I eat a lot of asparagus to! Weird fact of the day.

Thanks for participating in the poll @dajohns1420! We are now running at "50% can and 50% can't" of the folks who have shared their post-asparagus-urine experiences. LOL!
Genetics are fascinating.

strangest poll I've ever participated in!

Yummmy, this looks delicious! I need to get back on track with our eating habits. We were doing really well until the holidays rolled around and then all hell broke loose! Thank you for posting the recipes!

Hi @carolina-girl!
You are most welcome...our eating lifestyles are always a work in progress. If you slip, just pick yourself back up and get back on the wagon. ;)

You wrote this:
Have you eaten asparagus before?
If so, can you detect the vaporous odor of asparagus in your urine?

  1. Yes
  2. And no on the second question.

No smell that I know of. I do eat asparagus at times.
Pat buys more than we need and then I see waste. lol
But, I keep my mouth shut. It is better to have too much
than to have too little. Ha
I like your dish. But back to what I was doing,
Thank you so much....................................................


Hi Francis!
Thanks for taking part in the poll. It's interesting that some people can smell it and some can't. Truth be told, you are better off. It smells like a mixture of intense asparagus and rotten eggs. You're no missing any fun here. LOL!

i didn't taste asparagus, but i like vegetable salad. here in this winter lots of vegetable are available (all of this only available at winter, carrot, raddish, cabbage, califlower, bit-carrot from local market). so i enjoy everyday having of them, thanks for sharing of nutrient value.

Thanks for reading and commenting @sheikh27! We have to have many of our vegetables (that aren't roots) imported during the winter. If you have a little bit of selection you can make all kinds of wonderful dishes. :)

that looks scrummy i would eat it for breakfast no problem, i read about that the other day aswell, i always thought everyone could smell it :) we are special

Hahaha! We're special, alright @owenwat...LOL!

Oooh the bacon and asaparagus probably went so well together. I wouldn't normally think to mix those two!

Bacon and asparagus is a delicious combination. I do hope that you get to try it sometime @snrm!

looks very tasty. This food contains lots of vitamin A and is very good for pregnant people
Upvote and resteem

Asparagus provides valuable nutrition. Thanks for reading and commenting @papma.

yes same sama.saya will follow you every day

@rebeccaryan A wonderful place!The meal looks delicious.
I want to go:)

Looks quite delicious and nutritious on the process !

Ummm very nice plate

Thank you @mehdierraji. Welcome to Steemit.

Greetings my friend
The food looks delicious

Dear food commercials, No one eats in slow motion with their eyes closed. Sincerely, normal people.

Food tuna tu ,,, it looks good, Tp can not be cicipin because of a distance ,,, help upvote my blog alone friend

Mmm intersting i like to eat samething different: :)