Chomin tauri has been small. There is a lot of movement in this area. It is very difficult for many people to eat. The children think that the shakhak khafud is infected with hedges. But in China, this is a healthy physique, it seems that Taseara has been playing for so many days, but they think they are better. There is a lot of tears in the fire.
You should take some salt and olive oil in the bowl. After 5-6 minutes wait, please sit down. You must wash the nose in the air. After that, take some soya with the eye. Then give a fine paste to your chest.
Next, heat the bottle that is warm.
Take anon at the plate and take it in the pot.
If the light is hot, then put the sweet potatoes in the gul ah potato.
Add salt and halud well. After 10 minutes, stir well.
Add to this mithasla.
Stay in the throats of this and keep them in the container.
After some time, pour the juice on the thighs in the vessel. Good salad will be given to the salamander green nuts.
i am getting hungry to see your great food.
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