What if you start drinking a gallon water daily?

in #food7 years ago

Hi Readers...............,!

I am @rahmanata99. This post I tell about you you started the using one gallen of  water if you changing the our body.   

What if you start drinking a gallon (3.7 liters) daily?

It sounds very much to hear, but remember that 60% of the body contains water, it is not a matter of drinking so much water.

However, if you drink so much water you can have 7 things.

The stomach will start in the beginning.

If you suddenly increase the use of water consumption, you will feel full of abdominal absentness. Do not worry, this feeling will end soon, but drinking around a day instead of drinking glasses can reduce this feeling. Is it

Urine all the time.

When the feeling of stomach starts to end, you will get extra out of the body in the body and have to repeat the toilet again. This process makes it easy for you to digest food for your body. .And going through a frequent toilet also gives you an opportunity to move physically.

Possible to use low quantity of food.

One reason is that when a medical science suggests drinking a glass of water before eating, it is best for body weight loss. You feel full of stomach that prevents you from getting too much food part of the body. Is it

Better exercise.

Water helps in delivering oxygen and glucose in the body accurately, and as a result, you feel more energy-energy during exercise. Furthermore, it works for laboratory and joints.

Physical Weight Loss.

If you urge excessive urine, it means eliminating physical wastes, you eat less and do more exercise. Although drinking more water does not reduce the weight itself, but the positive effects are definitely beneficial.

The circles under the eyes may disappear

Circles under the eyes generally become significant due to the increase in the amount of saline in the body, especially if you are more likely to eat more salty nut or night-sized vegetable, it starts to appear under the salt vessels. The extra salt resulting in drinking is out of the body, resulting in circles surrounding the eyes appear to disappear.

Water demand increases.

The amount of water you drink or drinks will increase as much as possible, but other drinks are not beneficial for any health. Unfortunately water is safe for free, pure and body, it is best for you. Beverage

Function of water.

Water is a vital mineral for the human body. Almost 70% of human part is liquid. Water has many function for your body. Here are 10 important functions of water according dr.Tan Shot, Yen, M. Hum, medical doctor and author of the book.

1. Water prevents DNA damage and make repairs more efficiently.

2. Water increases the efficiency of the immune system in the bone marrow, including against cancer.

3. Water is the main solvent of all foods, vitamins, and minerals; It used to break down these materials and metabolism and its assimilation.

4. Water gives energy to the food, so that food particles could provide energy during the digestive process.

5. The water used as conductor of all substances in the body.

6. Water increases the efficiency of red blood cells capture oxygen in the lungs.

7. Water cleaning toxic waste from different parts of the body and took it to the liver and kidneys to be excreted.

8. Water is the main lubricant in the joint cells and helps prevent arthritis and back pain.

9. Water cooling system is important for the body (through sweat) and heating the body (electrical).

10. Water helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Regard: @rahmanata99

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I don't agree with a gallon. The ideal amount is half of your body weight in oz. per day of distilled. Drinking a gallon can lead to hyponatremia and is very dangerous.
This is especially dangerous for people with insulin issues.

this amount of water is not a major right know madical science are see every person required 3-7 kg water.
No one gallon refers to that 5 kg comes into a sense, if you do not understand, then read a reflection again.