Skin spring rolls know 皮肤弹簧卷知道

in #food7 years ago

Homemade Cuisine 


  • Prepare the skin of the flower tofu to taste, I use 3 pieces continue to cut using scissors so 12 pieces, soak in cold water to change texture so weak, defecate, drain and set aside
    Leaves green onions alone, to taste for bamboo ribs (can use chives, here no one selling chives so changed the same leek)

For the content of his spring rolls:

  • 200 grams of chicken meat, process using a food processor
  • 100 grams of peeled shrimp, process using a food processor
  • Ear mushrooms to taste (if using a dry soak briefly in hot water) process using a food processor
  • 1/2 part of onion and 3 cloves garlic, process using food processor
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons of sago peanut flour
  • 1 egg white chicken
  • Stir until mixed into all ingredients of spring rolls

-Take a piece of skin tofu, place 1 tablespoon stuffed spring rolls on top, shape and roll and then tied with spring    onion. Do it over and over until the dough runs out

- Fry in hot oil until cooked brownish yellow (small fire yes let it mature evenly until it) and remove the drain

- Ready to serve while warm! If anyone asks why guns are not given salt, the flower skin knows it already salted first yes, continue to make stuffing already given oyster sauce soy sauce as well, so it's enough salty taste of it also 

Good luck! Hope it likes



  • 准备豆腐花皮来品尝,用剪刀连续使用3件,最多12块,浸泡在冷水中,纹理变薄,排便,排水放在一边。


  • 鸡肉200克,加工食品加工机
  • 去皮虾100克,加工使用食品加工机
  • 使用食品加工机将耳朵的味道(在热水中短暂地浸泡干燥)处理
  • 1/2份洋葱和3瓣大蒜,加工食品加工
  • 2汤匙蚝油
  • 1汤匙酱油
  • 1汤匙芝麻油
  • 2汤匙西米花生面粉
  • 1蛋白鸡
  • 搅拌至混合成弹簧卷的所有成分

- 拿一块皮肤豆腐,将1汤匙填充弹簧卷在上面,形状和卷,然后用春天的洋葱绑。 一遍又一遍地,直到面团用尽

- 用热油炸至煮熟的褐黄色(小火是让其成熟均匀至此),然后取出排水管

- 准备好服务,而温暖! 如果有人问为什么枪不给盐,花皮知道已经盐渍了,是的,继续做馅已经给了蚝油酱油了,所以它也足够咸味

祝你好运! 希望喜欢


good one dear... when can i come visit to enjoy this in your country?