The last few years, we have seen how flowers have started to be present in nearly all world renowned chefs dishes...
By simply adding some edible flowers on your plates...your food raises to another level! Of course you need to know the taste of the flowers you gonna use and see if it will pair with your food before adding them...
Today I want to share my most favorite flowers that I recommend to have on hand and use to upgrade your plated foods!
PS. We have hundreds of edible flowers out is up to you to make your choice!!!
Roses are actually one of the most popular edible flowers, they can be used in so many ways...Use them in coktails, salads or desserts!
Roses can also be used in making jam, jellies, marmalade, baklava etc... or simply pressed to get that lovely syrup!
Just make sure to remove the bitter white portion of the petals before use!
Chamomile flowers are easy recognizable...use the petals to upgrade your salad! Though they are mostly used in teas, this does not prevent you from trying to use them in other culinary preps...
Ranging from red color to white, yello and orange, Chrysanthemum's flavor varies from plant to plant...sometimes sweet to tangy to bitter...
The petals are best used in salads and in many countries they are often used in stir fry dishes!
Admired for their beauty and bright colors ranging from red to white, purple to yellow etc...Hibiscus have a citrus like flavor than can form part of any dish! Great in fruit salads and cheese platters...
Commonly used in desserts and tea!
Johny Jump Ups
The leaves and flowers of this plant can be eaten raw or cooked...colors ranging from purple blue, yellow and white, they have a wintergreen flavor!
Great for decorating cakes, they can also be used with soft cheese and salads!
Have fun using them in drinks, soups or on its own!
So voila guys, these are my 5 most favorite flowers that can be used in so many dishes...
What are your most favorite one?
Please do leave a comment below and share photos of the flowers you use the most!
Wish you a great weekend ahead!
Thank you!!
I'm not much of a cook - but this looks simple enough to make. Have you tried cooking while sipping on a Lager?
beautiful photography friend You have my support. I hope to count on your support to keep growing. regards
Muy buena manera de decorar los platos amigo, gran post @progressivechef.
Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
The Gigi
Apart from making your plate beautiful with flowers, flowers also supplies important nutrients to the body depending on the type of flower you are going for..... be sure to get huge load of antioxidant, phytochemicals and phytonutrients.
Flor de calabacin rellena de queso. Deliciosas.
A mi hija no le importa si se comen o no, es que se vea bien, y por las flores me da un beso. y por el sabor me califica de Cheff Personal # 1
Flor de Buganvillas (trinitaria) y hojas modificadas