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RE: The Best Way To Eat and Benefit From The Nutrients of Your Summer Berries

in #food8 years ago

I've got quite a few berries on my bushes aswell, though I don't have many of them in my garden. My blueberry is filled up soooo much! Can't wait for those to be ready :D

I also have a bramble bush with a lot of fruits waiting to get ripe. It's great to eat out of your own garden!


oh wow! blueberries ^ ^
I love them

am waiting for the blackberries too
they're still green
i over pruned them back then that's why they were late
my neighbor had so many raspberries
even yellow ones hybrid and organic
he shared it to us too

i want to buy blueberries but hard to find one
the intratuin near us doesn't have it
have to drive to apeldoorn to get one
but no time ..
you're very lucky to have blue berries
it is indeed great to eat in your own garden

ben blij om je hier verdwaald te zien!
kapot sorry gebruik de taal bijna niet - needs more practice again :)

Ooh yummy, I like raspberries aswell!
I was lucky enough that our Tuinland/Intratuin sold blueberries last year. I was really curious to see how well it would do this time, after a year in the garden, but it is doing amazing. Berries everywhere!

Meer oefenen! :D

hahah oke .. ga ik doen ^ ^
gisteren en vandaag heb ik wel de taal gebruikt :)

Ooh goed zo! Ja, hangt natuurlijk erg van je omgeving af of je veel oefening krijgt. De vriendin ( @frokenteddy) van mijn broertje ( @imenion) komt uit Zweden en woont nu ook in Nederland. Ze kan het soms een beetje verstaan, maar krijgt eigenlijk geen oefening en volgt ook geen cursus. Dan duurt het lang!