
That jack fruit burger looks TO DIE FOR! And best of all, no one had to <3

Thanks for the inspiration!

It's so great to see these prominent companies making vegan products and spreading the word of veganism ⭐️ 🌱

Out of all of these, jackfruit is my favourite because it is readily available where I live in South Africa. I make these tacos with a jackfruit filling and you can't tell the difference between this and meat-based taco filling 🌮

Thank you for sharing your views on the rise of faux meat, I loved this post!

I've never had it in tacos, sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing as well :)

I would just love to have that right now!

I know, yummy!

I'm so happy to read posts from other vegans and to connect with them. You seem like a truly interesting person. I'm a licensed beauty therapist (what we call cosmetologists in Sweden) so we might have some skin nerding in common :) Looking forward to see more from you :)

Great read! I love pulled jackfruit :)

There is no jackfruit in Turkey and i didnt know the taste but this seems delicious and also this vegan food makes me happy. I hope many people are inspired by this post. . Enjoy :)

excellent, I like it @piepur

Wow great photography all the images are amazing..... foods looks really good and delicious and yummy thank you for sharing the recipe....

UUfff que bueno se ve! Saludos. Éxitos.

Yes! steady on that transition <3

Hey piepur, nice post! I am also vegan by choice and I am very glad that fake meats are catching up! :)

a good place for tinned jackfruit in the UK is asian supermarkets. A recent discovery of mine turned up jackfruit, cheap tofu and various mock meats using seitan.(my favourite at the moment!) not sure if this would be the same where you are but worth a look!

I love pulled jackfruit :) Thank you for a great post, really love to connect with all the vegans here. It's so hard to find them IRL.

All the images are really awesome....amazing looks recipes tasty and yummy thank you for sharing and have a great day

I love pulled jackfruit!! it can convince meat eaters its that good! <3

Need to eat that :D

Wow, looks so good 😃 Follow me for more vegan and vegetarian recipes 💚

That burger look so good. I hate that here in Argentina we don't have jackfruit, I want to try it sooo bad. I love gardein though