in #food7 years ago

The rising temperature means increasing quantities.

Thankfully our chickens never completely stopped laying eggs this winter. Even better is that the eggs getting laid on a daily basis are increasing in number. For us, chickens mean eggs, so it's best for us if they are being as productive as possible.


Our current flock started when some local chicken egg factories were paid not to produce. They already had large quantities of laying hens getting ready to go, but then had to get rid of them all and not produce eggs this years. A lot of people in our area loaded up on the free hens, and we were among those people.

One friend of mine actually grabbed about 500 free chickens. Trust me, his yard was mostly chickens when we stopped over, and we laughed and laughed. For us, we started out with about a dozen because we figured if we got about a dozen eggs per day that would be a good amount. Of the original dozen hens, we still have nine. Also, we hatched out a few, and still have a hen and a rooster that we hatched out. In the spring, we will start hatching them out again to increase our flock.


For some of the year, many hens can lay about an egg per day. Individual results may vary, but getting an egg almost everyday from a chicken is a good deal. In the winter, though, many hens will either slow down or stop altogether. In the coldest part of winter, we were down to about an egg or two each day, but they never completely stopped.

After skipping a day, we collected eggs yesterday. In total, there were ten. Since we have nine adult laying hens, this means that about half of them have began laying daily for us. Soon, we should be getting eight or nine each day. As rewarding as it is to raise your own flock and get your own eggs right at home, it's not just about providing as much for ourselves as we can. Part of this lifestyle is also basically an "insurance policy." If the power goes out tomorrow and things really hit the fan, we will still have food being produced right here at home, and we don't need to worry as much when the grocery store isn't an option.

The other part that we really enjoy is the wholesome interaction with the plants and animals that we have. Our @little-peppers get to experience a lifestyle that has become rarer over the past generations, and no matter what they get into later in life, they will always have these skills to fall back on if they need to.

Anyway, more eggs is good, so we are celebrating! I can't wait for breakfast.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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Half of the reason i give you all these up-votes is just because of the “proof-of-whatever” you are talking about. That part makes me giggle.

LOL - Glad to hear it. Here, have one back!

Nice looking hens.
Does yours lay eggs everyday?
I had hens once that lay eggs every other day.
Happy you had free chicken that can lay eggs.
Keep on steemin’

Hens are awesome. Following you.

in statistics we need 214 egg in every year to lead a healthy life
the natural egg is really need for our life
but now a days it is noticed that many kind of plastic egg are full in market
really i am appreciated for this blog
carry on

Thanks, how do you know that! Love your comment, you've got a new follower!


Its actually the hours of light that controls the laying behaviour, rather than the temperature. Unless its really cold, with snow and all.

But just trust the hens to find the right time - they deserve a break sometimes. :)

Good luck sir @papa-papper. It looka like tou had a good time quite well with the eggs haha. Will stick around to perceive how things will go in your blog on the following days

owo beautifull post sir @papa-pepper egg are really very good food for human heallth thank you sir again for shareing your EGG production


Hens are the most awesome pets. Eggs pretty much every day, we wouldn't be without them.

With spring around the corner our yield is increasing too - we have 6 at the moment which is about right for our family of 5. Food pretty much everyday without fail.

What's not to like (apart from the attraction to rats...grrr!)

OH no! Rats are no fun!

I've been somewhat interested in having chickens. Do they look for the eggs once you collect them? Seems like a silly question, I know... But just curious.

Also, where do the chickens go during winter? You must have an indoor house for them?

It doesn't seem so, but when they get enough to lay on they sure enjoy incubating them.

Do they look for them more if they have that many? I guess that would mean its best to collect every day?

Rising temperatures is convincingly a great time for layers chickens than Broilers.
I remembered losing more than half my stock of Broiler Chickens last year due to increasing temperatures perhaps this is a good time to produce more eggs for Layers.
Never a better time to return this venture than now.
Chubby eggs you got there Sir @papa-pepper and @little-peppers

Love chickens love eggs. I haven't seen a freshly laid egg since I was a child and we kept chickens. In an urban environment I remember my dad ppacing young chicks in a box laid with soft straw and a light bulb hanging cleverly over the middle, the chicks thrived and it meant we had
chickens for the next year and plenty of eggs. Well done to you for taking unwanted chickens and making them productive. Your lovely little girls add to the photo! Thanks for this.

Beautiful thanks for sharing, you've got a new follower!

Thank you!

Dang you're so lucky that you've got all these chickens for free. I'm absolutely sure that those chickens will have a far better life at your farm!

You're lucky that you're still getting eggs in the winter, I've read that it might have something to do with the amount of light the chickens are exposed to.

We have about 15 chickens and they used to lay around 8 to 12 a day,but we changed their food and they lay less but larger ones. We have no roster either. all females. BTw, do you remember you sent me seeds a while ago? Well I have officially planted them :) The family is very excited!

Oh really? They are already planted? Great news!

Yep, I've had them for a while. Took a while to convince the partentals to plant them. Excited for them to grow! Thanks again! :) There is going to be a Florida meet up on March 17 if you find yourself traveling south.

Vitamins contained in eggs are numerous, one of which Vitamin B can convert eggs into essential energy in the body, Vitamin E also works together with Vitamin C can prevent damage to your body from free radicals, and trakhir vitamin A that maintains health vision and helps cell growth and keeps skin healthy.

It is odd that the shorter days and colder temperatures limit egg production! Man I miss having chickens! There is something special about being able to go outside in the morning and get fresh eggs!

this is called australian chicken egg at my place @papa-pepper, very nice post @papa-pepper
and here's the proof:



thank you,
this is my pet egg @pape-pepper

Beautiful thanks for sharing, you've got a new follower!

My love for egg is always high. I love taken it always at least 1per day. You are so creative and full of wisdom

Best of luck to those laying hens lol. It looka like tou enjoyed yourself pretty well with the eggs haha. Will stick around to see how things will go in your blog on the next days

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you

i think egg is best food in our life style
we eat this food only for our good health
thanks for sharing

More eggs is good! My hens have started producing more again too :) Some had completely stopped laying, as is typical of some heritage breeds compared to production layers. We actually just had our first egg layed by a hen who hatched here by our own chickens and rooster, super exciting to see the full cycle :)

Here i have about 3 hens, 5 cocks and many chicks. there eggs are white though because they are local chickens, i love watching the chicks grow.

Man.. You've gotta have one hell of some large yard space.. To keep all your animals.. It's really great mehn.. You make homesteading look so sweet and interesting ...
Starting to look forward to your proof on every post.. Hehe

@papa-pepper my steemit inspirer. Just like your previous posts, this one is inspiring me to go into egg production and clues I needed to start with are also embedded. Thanks for always being a light. I'm @avowal, a growing steeMian that needs help. is best when you get eggs too..someday we wish to homestead and have chickens too..

whao!!! Egg being a protein is needed and this you posted is an inspiration on its for me to go into homesteading, basically egg production. @papa-pepper, you are a papa indeed

rise of broken eggs in supermarket seems to be picking up to have to really check inside egg carton lately. doing same with fruit pick up bag oranges get a few rotten ones in their pisses me off.

Good job man......great working......great thinking...creative mind...keep it up!!!

Yes Definitely Very Creative!

As I am sure you know light, temperature and a host of other things slow down egg production. It seems like we get a double whammy as the go from molting right into the winter season. We have about 50 hens right now and we have started culling and replacing 50% of the flock each year or after the second laying season for the hens. This keep our flock at 50% pre-first molt when winter shows up! keeps the egg product up a little higher through the winter months. Thanks for sharing keep up the great work!

Home-produced eggs with chickens that were fed grass and vegetables are probably the best eggs you can have, nutrients and vitamins wise!
You vaccinate your chicken??

We have not vaccinated our chickens.

You thinking about vacinating them ? It's more for the chickens than it is for you, i think the only thing you can get from chicken eggs is salmonella and salmonella can't be vacinated against, the only thing you can do about it is keeping the chicken eggs away from high amounts of feces (which is where salmonella is contained), the vaccination of your chickens would be more for the chickens to be protected against diseases, so that you don't lose your whole poultry house, I think that's the right english word, at the same time

I'd love to own some hens! My uncle has a few hens in summer time he lets them roam free in the garden The rooster is great at keeping those ladies in line!


This is my pekinesse hen.
Have a great friendship day in company ok your family.

Cute @little-peppers it's very nice of you @papa-pepper to let your babies interact with animals... ❤️❤️❤️🌶

Beautiful chickens you got there. We got few chickens back in El Salvador but can't enjoy the eggs because we are not there, but at least our cousin can enjoy some since he is taking care of the place for us right now, and I can't wait to go back to enjoy the free range, organic eggs.

I love the picture of your daughters and the chickens and eggs. So good for @little-peppers to experience all this and grow up with it.

Oh yeah, we love that the @little-peppers are learning how life works in a hands on sort of way.

Right now we trade with a neighbour for eggs. Our chickens will come soon. The coop and run need a little more work. Need to protect the chickens from predators. Are you considering raising chickens for meat too?

Nice thinking! Egg backup food, great share, egg very healthy food, need every day, thank you share nice post

It makes sense to us. Thanks for checking it out @muktaaktar!

We used nests for them to lay their eggs in, as they were built against the wall you could harvest the eggs without disturbing the chooks at all, usually feed them and then collect the eggs.
I hope you have got the hens where you have planed the vege garden to go later, all that fertilizer can then be used .

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