in #food7 years ago

I don't think that this evidence is an accurate reflection of my skill.

It was only last year that I began hunting deer as a source of meat for my family. It's not that I wouldn't have gone prior to that, it's just that I didn't. Last year I did pretty well when I got started. By the end of the season I had fired three shots, and killed three deer, one doe and two bucks.

Unlike raising your own animals for meat, the actual investment is far less when it comes to things like time and feed. Wild deer may eat some of your crops, but you aren't feeding them daily like you are with animals. Other than the time and the gun, the only real investment is the license and the bullets.


The handful of five bullets above represent the only shots I've ever fired while deer hunting. Last year I fired three shots and successfully harvested three deer, and this year I've fired two more. I got a doe earlier in the year with one shot, and then went out this morning to try again.

If you can see the buck on my hood in the photo above, then you already know that I fired another shot and got another deer. If you saw my post last month, then you'll already understand that I don't exactly invest a lot of time in hunting.You can find that post here.

Today, I woke up at about 8 am, and then by about 8:30 made it out in the woods. I scared one the "wrong way" again, just like last time, but a few went the way I wanted them to. I went back out of the woods, snuck up ahead, and waited at a clearing. Two deer popped out and then turned, but one stopped. That was all that it took.


Unlike last time, I loaded more than one bullet into the rifle, but once again I only fired once. Though people have been known to kill more than one deer with a single shot, I don't think that shooting five times and harvesting five deer is a bad statistic. However, I don't think that it is exactly an accurate representation of my hunting skills either. I may eventually miss, and that's fine with me. I just don't want to be wounding animals. To have one get shot and fall over and die immediately may not be something that everyone is comfortable with, but I am.

We like to know where our meat came from, and hunting is still much cheaper than buying it at the store. Anyway, I was very glad to have the opportunity to go hunting this morning, and also to succeed in providing some more food for my family.

here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



Can't say that you got it from me, I still get "squirrel fever". Oh boy, it's a big one! Steady, steady... Drat, foiled again.

Well, I still do appreciate everything I did get from you.

Oh my gosh! Grandpa-pepper, I didn't know you are on here too. That's awesome! Super cool that you are on Steemit :)

Mostly to keep up with our son and family. 16 below this morning here in Wisconsin. Time to think about a visit down to Arkansas again.

Yes, well that's a great way to keep up with such an active steemian for a son :)
16 below, poeh! I'm not made for that kind of weather. Why not consider moving to Arkansas? Haha

I just told him to stop rubbing it in @grandpa-pepper

LOL! I was just sharing...

It is a great share! I'd rather have five shots and five dead than a wounded deer taking days to die. I'm just thinking of those guys who run out of bullets and go hungry.

I know. For my part, I know deer are bigger and most likely easier targets.

hunting means integrating with nature. it is an activity that allows us to use our abilities that our civilization has forgotten us to use our skills. nobel for a scholar, oscar for the artist, what is the trophy for the athlete, hunting in the hunting, hunting in the hunting trophy, that is, the female, postu, horn. material value is not important. maybe it is the pleasure of man overcoming himself in the struggle with nature.
Thank you for this wonderful post :) @papa-pepper

Very nice perspective, thank you for sharing it.

You're welcome :)

Love the story behind the hunt. Venison is my favorite. Your posts are great, and I enjoy reading them. Resteemed

Wow, that is so encouraging to read. Thank you very much!

5/5. Damn. That's good!
I get why you hunt. I don't know how I feel about hunting myself. Maybe I'll find out one day. But since I do eat meat I think it would be hypocritical to frown upon hunting. Maybe buying meat in the store is even worse than killing the animal yourself. Letting someone else do the dirty work... At least your shot/kill ratio says something about your respect for nature. So happy hunting ;)

I appreciate that comment. Honest. Thanks!

Good show, @papa-pepper! We love venison and there are so many ways to prepare the meat. It is lean and healthy meat. And I don't need to drive to a supermarket and guess what kind of meat I am getting. You can't even be sure 100% of what you are getting in a butcher shop.

wow that’s a big bullet for sure.

Have you posted pics of the rifle?

i fear this bullets
just fun.....

Well done in securing food to feed your family! You are an awesome provider!

Deer hunting is fun, your bullet has made a good time, I love hunting,

I hope to start dear hunting soon!..maybe next year! Great Job on the clean kills!

Hunting deer is amazing :)👍
My father's is also hunter of deer.he loved it too.
And the taste of deer meat is so amazing :)
And the horns of deer look like very loveable.i have that pics tomorrow i Will upload it.
Amazing post bro i liked it 👏💕👏🍁

Cool! Congrats! 1 shot 1 kill is pretty awesome.
Now you have loads of free venison...
I keep telling myself one of these years Ill go out and hunt deer, but I never do... Maybe someday Ill make time!

It is great when 5 shot's provide that much food but come on man, quit rubbing it in. Show the guys who shot five times and miss a little courtesy. lol. Wish I knew where an open clearing was.

Dang, need me to ship you some jerky?

I would forever be in your debt, I lost my neighbor who used to make me jerky.

Talk about a nice meal.

Nice post

resteeem & follow
I’ll back upvote here @adnanmengal

If ever you tell your story to deer hunters from NZ they will wet themselves laughing.
It is similar to the trips they sell at great expense to the US rich people, they helicopter into a deer farm, have a shot, have a bourbon, and helicopter out, they have been hunting.[usually 20 to 24 pointers, kept for the trade]
Here the real deer are a well sought after product, they tend to live many miles from human habitation, through some pretty rugged bush, at least a hard days hike to get in, camp in tents that you brought with you, hunt for however long, then carry the meat and all your gear out of the bush, back to your truck.
Wild pig hunting is similar, except you have a pack of dogs to try and herd the pig into a place where you can get to it.

Congratulations! You've gotta be doing something right. I'm 3 years in and still chasing my first kill. I was gonna take my shotgun out with slugs this morning (No rifles in zone 4), but our 2 year old was up all night with an earache, so I stayed home to help take care of things.

Do you use the antlers for knife handles or anything like that?

I think they will be used for jacket and hat hangers in our new house once we build it.

amazingly written post to share

Sweeeeeet! You have got to love it, when a plan comes together! Love you man!

Love you too! Thanks man!

it's a bullet for hunting yes friends.this is great my friend @papa-pepper.

When you are 5 for 5, you deserve to do a little bragging. Shooting .30-06?

Yup, .30-06

I do not think it's bad. If the sacrifice is to feed your family you have to thank God for your successful shots. Greetings.

Great post as usual .. Thanks @papa-pepper

Congratulations! Theres nothing like a fresh fried backstrap steak! Have you ever tried tanning the hides?

Congratulations, 5 for 5 is hard to improve on. Not much out there that can beat .06, especially the heavier ball at greater ranges. To me the ultimate test of hunting skills is bow hunting. Do you have any plans to try that in the future?