FOOD FROM THE WILD - @papa-pepper Goes Deer Hunting For the First Time Ever!!!

in #food8 years ago

So far, I have about 1 hour invested in deer hunting, and only 1 shot fired.

Part of the goal for the @papa-pepper tribe is to provide more of our own food. This includes raising farm animals, gardening, fishing, foraging, and hunting. If hunting animals for food offends you, now may be a good time to find another post to read, because although I like eating meat, I do not like to eat meat from animals that are still alive, if that makes sense.

Today was opening day for Deer Season here in Arkansas. If you saw my Testosterone Tribute to @tuckfheman a few months back, you know that I have never gone hunting for deer before. I got a gun to use for deer hunting a while ago, and even bought my license and picked up some ammunition. However, I had never even practiced shooting the .30-06.

Leaving every day for work at sunrise and coming home after dark does not give one too much time for practice. So there I was this morning, sitting at the edge of the woods with my neighbor and a gun that I had never fired. He had recently seen a big 10-point buck on the game cameras and that was the only deer that he was concerned about. He made sure that I knew I was not allowed to shoot his deer, but that I could shoot anything else that came by, if I wanted to.

Before too long, we were hearing all sorts of sounds. Some of the sounds I recognized as squirrels, but some of the sounds were definitely deer. After a bit, a large doe came walking out to our left. She stopped and noticed us, watching to see what we would do. My neighbor told me that I could take the shot if I wanted to, but we decided to see if a buck would follow. Eventually the doe just got tired of us and turned back the way that she had come.

Again, we just sat and waited. Often, I wanted to sniffle or cough, but I restrained myself. Twice, my leg fell asleep, but I just stayed still and waited. At some point, there was a deer behind us in the woods, but that was no help.

Then, a six-point buck came walking along the same path that the doe had. I saw it coming, and let my neighbor know. He told me to take the shot once I had it.

The shot presented itself, and I took it.

This was the first time that I had ever fired a gun at a deer. Immediately, the deer took off back the way that it had come. I figured I had missed it, but my neighbor thought that I might have wounded it, so he stepped out to see if he could get a shot in.

Soon, we were walking through the woods where it had ran. I saw it running up towards a fence-line on the top of the ridge, so I went up the hill to try to see it. There I stood, not knowing if I had hit it, or where it was. Squirrels were running everywhere and making a lot of noise, but I could hear or see no deer.

After a bit, my neighbor called me back down the hill to where he was. There, laying on the ground at his feet was the buck. It must have turned after it hit the fence. I check it, and it was dead. Though the shot was a little high and to the left, it had still been fatal.

I dragged the deer out of the woods, and we put it on the back of the ATV my neighbor had. When we stopped by the house to show mama-pepper and the little ones, everyone was pleasantly surprised. Dad had been successful and we had a good amount of meat for the family!

Though it may not exactly be pleasant to stare a dead animal in the face, I am glad that my children can be connected to their food supply. A fast food hamburger does not carry the same level of appreciation that actually seeing that an animal's life had been taken so that we could eat. I mention more about that in another post about the importance of being connected to our food supply.

It was also a good opportunity to teach my little ones more about gun safety. Whether I hunt or not, eventually my children will most likely come across a gun somewhere. To understand that that just one gun having the trigger pulled one time and only firing one bullet can kill an animal much larger than them is good food for thought for them. A gun is basically a tool, and not a toy, so it is important that they understand that.


When I consider the investment in this endeavor, unless someone borrows a gun, there will always be the up-front cost of the rifle, and then the yearly cost of the license. In Arkansas, the Resident Hunting License is only $25.00 USD, though, and it comes with 6 deer tags, 2 turkey tags, plus small game, like rabbits and squirrels. Once the gun has been borrowed or purchased, that's less than $5.00 USD per deer if you hunt your limit.

Basically, if I had the choice of how to spend $5.00 on food, I would take a full deer over 2# of ground beef every time.

Ammunition may not always be the cheapest, but to only use bullet and to get a deer with it was a huge blessing. No wonder some people refer to ammunition as "precious metals." In my entire history of deer hunting, I have only fired one bullet.


Since I went hunting for breakfast, we were able to eat venison for lunch. What a blessing! I've got the deer hanging up right now to finish cooling, but I cooked the heart, liver, and some of the neck meat for lunch. It was amazing for us to consider that only hours earlier, those organs were keeping that deer alive out in the woods. Now, at shortly after noon, they were being used as nourishment for our bodies.

When we pick up meat at the supermarket or grocery store, often we have no idea how long it has been dead, in what manner it was killed, or what conditions it was raised in. The best we get in those situations is a sticker notifying us that the meat had better be eaten within a few days, or it'll go bad.

How refreshing it is to have access to fresh, wild game that lives off the land and drinks from the fresh streams in the area. If I do hunt a few deer each year, we may not have to buy beef anymore. Plus, we can always fish or hunt rabbit, squirrel, and turkey, not to mention the animals that we will raise for meat.


I can still remember eating the venison jerky that my mom would make when my brother would bow-hunt deer. What a blessing it is that now we can make our own. The biggest thing that I can remember about that jerky, other than how delicious it was, is that it never lasted long. I already made up a small batch from some of the neck meat, and my boy and I am enjoying as I type.


After spending an entire hour deer hunting so far, and after firing one shot, it has given me a great appreciation for the food supply, and for the blessing of being able to provide for my own family in ways that do not require me to leave them to go make money so that we can go to the store and buy food. If you have read this recent post about the food supply, that probably sounds familiar.

Not only was this a very special day for @papa-pepper and his family, I also get to share this once in a lifetime adventure with you, so I am very glad about that. I hope you enjoyed the story!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:



Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)


Congratulations on your first deer. Here's to many more - with the same efficiency, too. And good job in finding your deer. That can be a challenge. I'm glad you guys didn't quit looking until you found it. Arkansas' resident game license is a great deal. Their deer may not be the biggest, but they are plentiful. My dad gets a few every year, in a setting that looks a lot like yours. If you fill out all your tags, you are set, with them and the small game. Here's to good game management and buddies that will help you out with your hunt!

So far so good on efficiency. I've now got four shots fired and four deer in the bag. Working on the post now.

Congratulations! That's efficiency, alright! You are a seasoned deer hunter by now! And pretty good at dressing down those deer, too! Enjoy all your venison -- and spicy jerky! :D

AH yes! Spicy Jerky!

Yeah, that was really nice of my neighbor to take me out for my first time.

I'm considering waking up early and trying again in the morning.

Thanks @haphazard-hstead!

Good luck! And I predict you will make some spicy jerky with your deer and peppers, lol. ; )

You would be correct!

Saskatchewan receives many hunting tourists from the US during hunting season. I saw a few plates from Arkansas a few weeks ago while I was touring around on the dirt bike. I stopped in to see how things were, we all laughed at our accents, I ended up leading them to a better place and said farewell.

I then took off down a bush trail, made as much noise as I could. Stopped at the end, lit a cigarette. About ten minutes into my quiet time, I heard the guns. Patted myself on the back, went home.

I don't hunt, the family raises enough beef, pork, and poultry for an army... but I will help when I can!

Cool, we are raising pork and poultry too, but we may use venison to supplement the beef.

Nice job helping out!

When I was a far younger lad my father would always go deer hunting just after my birthday. Nothing like deer jerky and venison sausages spiced up just right.

Haven't been able to find a butcher that can do the up the same since my childhood but the smell of deer sausage frying in the pan always takes me back a few decades.. <3

Ah, a few decades.... we sure are growing older, aren't we?

Yeah, there is something about that fresh, wild meat that I love.

Glad I finally got out in the woods to get some for myself!

Thanks for sharing the memories @klye!

(love your avatar, by the way)

Thank you for sharing your hunt story with us and letting me remember!

Funny how human memory works like that.. All it takes is a word or a picture to take me back to simpler times. One of these days if you're ever up this way during the fall we can bang off a bambi and turn 50% into jerky and 50% into sausages. :D

Then you just gotta sneak the loot back home to 'murica!

Not to be too incriminating, but I've successfully crossed that border before, though perhaps I brought more than I should have.


Plead the 5th man.. Even with all yer fancy drones and whatnot it's still faaaaar to much land for anyone to properly survey.. Out borders are something like +3000 KM or like... 5000 Miles (I think).. Tons of place to hop over for a hunt and some of our finest Ale. :D

I'm still saving up to get my boobs spambot. :D

Do you have any way of checking the deer you killed for Chronic Wasting Disease? Or does your Fish & Game dept. track the disease in your local populations? Just something to keep in mind.

The Arkansas Game & Fish Commission monitors that in this area, but all deer that I have seen look good, or they got hit my vehicles.

None of the locals ever mentioned anything about CWD.

The issue is that they could be infectious long before they develop symptoms like you would see in those "mad cow" videos, or the moose in this PBS Nature episode.

Not trying to scare you or suggest that you need to buy a microscope. If F&G is monitoring the situation, and you monitor them, that may be just as safe as beef.

Thanks for that!

Also, checking out those poll posts is still on my to-do list!!!

They say that venison is the meat of royalty...

Long live KING Pepper!

Great buck! And good shot, too. How did you like the recoil of the 30.06? Maybe not quite as bad as a 12 gauge with a slug, but enough to leave a bruise if not held right.
My wife and I killed a buck about the same size as yours a year ago, but it cost over $12,000!! We hit it with our pickup on the highway coming back from taking our son out to eat for his birthday. The antlers now hang on my shop wall, and a neighbor has the meat in the freezer.

I didn't even notice the recoil, so I must have been holding it correctly.

I do not like to kill the with my vehicles, the bullets are just so much cheaper...

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Thanks again!

Rules number 1 Never left your rifle next to the body!!!

I'm still new at this... I don't know all the rules yet.

I thought If I put the gun next to the body, it would look like a suicide... Oh man, I'll never make it in politics...

At least I've got steemit!😎

If the buck is not dead, it will use to shoot you back. 😜

Oh yeah, that would definitely teach me a lesson.

Thanks for the tip.

For the record, I don't need to be picky about the gif, it is perfect the way it is, truly grateful, there's no need for a new mic, i want the customized painted version from your own imagination, it's priceless

Awwwwe, you almost made a grown man blush... almost.

Camo and everything. I thought hunter wear long sleeves.

I wore the Blaze Orange long-sleeve sweater for hunting.

I wear the short-sleeved camo every other day!

Thanks @ace108!

Great post to learn a bit more about you man!! You really made the day a teachable one too.

Did you know I am a Bushcrafter?

You can see some of that in my earlier blog posts I did. Not that many on here I guess from me LOL.

I really enjoyed this, considering I had decided I am doing a project piece soon around you. I am glad I learned more about you -- we have similar #OffGrid and #Homesteading ideals, !! Nice! Very nice!!!

UV and RS for you as always!

a project piece soon around you

Really??? Feel free, I do interviews, if you want.

You could always talk to me in a private chat on

BUSHCRAFT is so where it at!

that is along the lines of what I am getting at, you are bang on as usual. Remember I tried to get into that chat everyone talks about long ago and failed LOL< I will try again. IDK how to PM anyone on here, I do not see that feature. I will try the chat now I guess........don't be surprised if I cannot make it in -- again lol. I would like my first few ideas on this project to go by you and also @donkeypong

@papa-pepper --- the last time i tried to get into chat 3 or so months ago when I joined - it is doing the same thing as today. I fill in the 2 lines as required, it just keeps saying USER NAME NOT FOUND OR WRONG P/W -- So I have no idea who to contact about this, or who to tag, or how to get someone who knows to help me.

Always go for all lead free ammo. Great post

Good point on the lead free ammo.

I like the lead free sinkers for fishing too!

Glad you enjoyed the post, thanks!

It's sure been a while since I was out hunting. It's something I should really look into again, and maybe trade in my pellet gun for something a little more powerful!

Good idea!

There has to be something to shoot up there, @klye seems to think so anyway!

Whether we like it or not, it's survival and living off the land are very valuable skills. I'm not proud of this and it's only a pellet gun. My point is, I've made an effort to learn how and can if I ever need to. Knowledge and respect. Thanks for sharing both. :)
I protect my shoulder joints now, after 25 years as a massage therapist, they're worn pretty wrists on the other hand are really strong which makes me a good shot...Don't worry I can still sing kumbayah and wave sage over my head. Hahaha!

Let me guess, a squirrel was messing with your tulips?

Good guess! Target practice on my friend's land. Her gardens are completely manicured. Mine are not. I prefer to grow food, she doesn't but we both know how to and can use pellet guns.

Sounds like a balanced friendship.

Survival: A skill you should use as if your life depended on it!

I did enjoy this! Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper. A good clean hunting experience, nice one :D

Been having some fun experimenting with these lately.

You can have this one and use it if you want to.

(no offense if you don't)

Cool :D :D
I think I will. Thanks @papa-pepper

You're welcome @handsolo!

I just used it! Looks perfect :D :D Thanks again

Excellent, I'll go check it out!

You're welcome!

Great post Upvoted. I love deer meat. It has such a fine and unique taste, slightly gamey but if seasoned and cooked right, you can't go wrong. Venison jerkey sounds delicious, I bet it is amazing. Nice kill shot. Treating nature with respect and eating within your means. God is good

A GIFt for you, @verbal-d.


Thank you very very much bro. That's very kind of you. Truly humbled. I shall use this gif from here on out. I really like it!

Please do, if you really like it.

I think that it suits you well and is eye-catching, so folks should enjoy seeing it!

Oh I shall definitely use it, this is great stuff!

@verbal-d, I hope you don't mind but I am adding you to my list of those I follow. I always like @papa-pepper's posts, and I was reading through the responses, and you seem like the type of person I want to follow -- because you appreciate nature and God. I am building up my network of fellow outdoorsmen and Christians.

Thanks @verbal-d!

I do not take this situation lightly.

I am glad that it at least lived free and died quickly.

You're most welcome, definitely don't want it to suffer. Unless it's the biblical version of the word "suffer" which means more so to allow something to happen and not so much as suffer as in a type of pain endured

RIGHT... You like that mic?

Yeah I think it looks good, were there other mics to choose from? I'm in no position to be picky about a gifted gif though lol

I hand made it in "paint" from my imagination.

If you send me a better mic, I could add the rest... Picky...

Great post - clearly all the outdoors related comments reflect that. TBH, it was filled w such good content, I was thinking about this hours later as i got into bed just thinking about my day.

My husband has been hunting since he was 13. It's been well over 5 years since he's gone hunting but he wants to start again, largely because we want to know our food line, but until we get a proper freezer, it will have to wait. We don't waste food around here. Congratulations on your catch, papa.

Thanks my friend.

Not bad for a first buck.

Thanks for your post. You were very respectful of the deer and how it has moved onto its next purpose. In Australia there is still a hunting sub culture although many people ( even those who eat meat) are very critical of anyone who would share a post such as this on Facebook. Introduced species such as pigs and deer do a lot of environmental damage and their removal from the bush by hunting is beneficial. Hunting of native animals is generally illegal or not encouraged however we do have a legal kangaroo harvest which has attracted a lot of international criticism.

Yeah, hunting can be a fine line to walk these days, but I'll prefer it over a McBurger every time.

Thanks man!

Upvoted by @foraging-trail

Thank you for following and upvoting @foraging-trail

Foraging with a rifle... ah, now that's an experience!!!!

Thanks @foraging-trail!

Making use of nature's wild bounty -- that's foraging!

Yeah, didn't really cross my mind, but I get your point, and it's valid!

One of my firm stances on what should be taught in school, is that every teenager should have to kill, clean and cook a chicken.

Yes, its gross, but if a person doesn't ever do such, they will always have a hole about where their food comes from. And in knowing, you can be thankful for nature providing. (and thank the chicken... or deer)

I've been exposed to it enough that taking care of all the guts barehanded did not even phase me, and we let the kids help with the chickens.

It's a real hands on experience.

Might come in even more handy one day...

Been having some fun making these lately.

Thought you might like one, but I wasn't sure which one was more your style...

Or, just the castle...

I know you don't post much.... but when you do, you could use this as a signature/logo at the end of your posts... (if you want, no offense if you don't)

I have been working on my own, but thankyou.

I have many posts half way done. But graphics are important to getting the information across.
So, I am going from being a decent doodler, to being a graphic artist. And its a slow slog.

Cool, glad to hear that you are hard at work!

I agree about the importance of graphics to help convey information.

Looking forward to what you come up with.

Congratulations on the 1 shot 1 kill. You have earned your Marksman badge!

Yeah, another BADGE for Papa!

Thanks @techology, I love that LOGO!!!!

Did you see the one I just gave to @verbal-d?

In my province it is very common to go hunting, here you hunt deer, hares, wild boar or pig of the mountain, capybara. Hunting pampas ducks, Ciriri, picaso. Here our ancestors have taught us to hunt animals only to eat, we are very respectful of those around us.
I know what it feels like to go hunting and the adrenaline it produces, here it is shotgun can be a 16 or maybe a maximum 20, powerful weapons can not be used because there is much anaim in the fields, cows or horses.
Beautiful rifle is the one that you own, can give an animal to 1000 meters without care.
Excellent post my friend@papa-pepper

Yeah, it is nice to have a lot of options of wild food to hunt.

I am new at it, but I am excited to try it some more.

Thanks @jlufer!

I never been hunting, been wanting to get more into gardening, but currently it has been hard having moved too many times to make it worth while in the past several years.
Congrats on the shot, always looking forward to your posts.

Thanks, by combining hunting and gardening, I'm excited to be filling our bellies without having to purchase the food.

Moving always makes gardening harder, I know the feeling.

Another freedom filled all American story.
From prep to the very end of the hunt and harvesting the all sacred venison!
I'm going bow hunting tonight :)
Thanks for sharing!

Hey papa. Maypop sounds very interesting, passion fruit is delicious too. Congrats on the harvest and your success! I love the gifs, just learned how to do that myself the other day. I tend to take way too many or way too few pictures. Haha. Did not mean to make this comment here, kind of got lost on the links.

Very nice article! I am a former Springfield, Missouri resident and know your woods well. Holler if you ever get to Florida and I'll show you a place that does wild hog hunts for $125. Wild pork for 1 to 2 dollars a pound is money well spent. :)

Going thru my old posts on my page from when I first started steemit. I found this awesome one of yours that I resteemed. And To this day still creating & sharing awesome content! Steem On!

Love your work.

Might I take a moment to invite you to use the #myhuntingfishing tag occasionally, when appropriate.

Thank you for your support of the outdoor life, and the promotion of etchcal hunting and wise use of resources.


I have never even considered shooting a robot.... Until now.