For people from so called first world it took some time to get used to farmers markets here.
It looks messy, unorganized and dirty at the first glance but if you look closely you can see that the most of important issues are addressed.
Quality, freshness, smells, and taste of these foods is on a different level though.
You will never find something like that in European or American markets. Not even close.
And the prices; on average one kg of fruits an or vegetables for 1 eur.
Guess what this guy is making
Beach time, my friends.
I like these markets. Fresh food, not that stuff you buy in the supermarket.
This guy is cooking some local schnaps.
About the market, it may look trashy. But I always believe in the amazing taste and smell of the fruits.
Imate dobar smisao za humor, @pocketrocket. 🙂
hvala na komplimentu @zoricatech za bolje jutro. sad imam osjecaj da ce bit dobar dan 😁
It might seem very strange to you that there is everything spread around one but it is very good as per its location.
Pozdrav svima. 🙂 Mislim da je na slici uređaj za pravljenje soka od šećerne trske.
Kakvog je ukusa, ne znam. Da li ste probali ovaj sok, @oldtimer? Pitam se koju vodu koriste? Zanimljiva ulična ponuda, čudno je, nedostaju kupci. Ili je suviše rano? 😉