rice rich spice

in #food7 years ago



400 gr tuna, cut into pieces
2 lbr leaves pandan uk.kecil, iris2
8 lbr orange leaves, huang bone, iris2
2 btg leeks, iris2
1 large btg lemongrass, crushed
1/2 teaspoon pepper
To taste salt, sugar

Ground spices:
7 cloves of red onion
4 cloves garlic
3 grains of pecan, fried / roasted
3 pieces of red curly pink
8 red chili pepper / according to taste
1 segment of ginger finger
1 segang galangal finger
2 segments of turmeric fingers, choose the old one let good color
1 tomato uk.sedang


Brush the tuna with lemon juice, salt let stand 15 minutes ... then fry a little dry, remove the drain.

Saute the finer spices and lemongrass until fragrant, the pandan leaves and leaves leaves leaves mixed flat. Cook a few moments until the spices are cooked. Pour the water to boil, add salt, sugar, pepper ... stir well.

Put the tuna fish stir well to cook until the spices soak .. taste .. last input onion stirring flat. Lift.

Serve with warm rice. Just the first nyoba cook this and just know klo pandan leaves add to the delicious aroma of cuisine.


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