Very famous in European cuisine, kefir is the product of the fermentation of milk (cow, goat, sheep or buffalo), which forms a drink very similar to yogurt.
In fact, kefir is the name of the fungus that causes this fermentation process. It is easily found in grain form - though it is not really a grain.
When they come into contact with milk, they form a colony of microorganisms which is also called the "Tibetan mushroom", in reference to the mass that forms in the fermentation process.
Benefits of kefir
Kefir can provide a number of health advantages, especially for the proper functioning of the intestine and for those who want to lose weight.

But these are not the only benefits of drinking.
It also contains lots of lactic acid, which helps decrease lactose intolerance, as it promotes milk digestion even in people more sensitive to its components. "In addition, kefir is also associated with minerals such as calcium and iron, promoting the best absorption of these nutrients," adds the expert.
The beverage is also rich in B-complex vitamins, offering greater resistance against infections and stimulating the immune system. Already the presence of the amino acid tryptophan can bring a relaxing effect to the nervous system, something that helps with the depression and problems of insomnia.
Antibiotic effect?
The treatment of diseases through antibiotics has a great though: it is true that these remedies eliminate the bacteria causing the problem, but together they also eliminate bacteria that are beneficial to our body.
The action of these drugs can even increase the risk of infections. In these cases, the recommendation is not to ignore the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, but rather consume kefir along with the remedy. Thus, the microbiota does not suffer much damage.
The importance of the microbiota
For those who are wondering, the microbiota is the name we give to the community of microorganisms that exist in the body. We all have bacteria that live inside us - and they are extremely beneficial to health and should not be eliminated.
Kefir helps to maintain the microbiota and therefore helps keep it active against infections. Candidiasis is one of them. This is a problem that mostly affects women and can be combated through drinking - especially in more recurring cases.
"The vagina is home to several microorganisms that normally live in balance and fight the entry of any malevolent microbes. When that stability is broken - something that can happen because of inadequate nutrition, hormonal changes and environmental factors - some fungi and / or bacteria proliferate more than others, generating infections such as candidiasis, "explains the nutritionist.
Does Kefir thin?
Kefir also helps in the process of weight loss because it contains beneficial probiotics also in the intestinal flora, since the weight loss occurs more easily when the flora is balanced.
Similarly, kefir increases the population of beneficial bacteria in the gut and eliminates harmful ones. It is an ally of diarrhea, constipation and flatulence (gas), as it promotes a balance of intestinal flora.
Many overweight people also suffer from stuck bowel, and a functioning bowel is the basis for having a healthier body.
How to make kefir
There are two types of beverage that you can prepare at home: milk kefir and water kefir. The process of preparing both is quite similar. See step-by-step below:
Separate the kefir grains and place them on the substrate of your choice. It can be cow's milk, goat's milk, sheep's milk or buffalo's milk, water with brown sugar or even juice;
Adopt the following ratio: one tablespoon of kefir grains for each half liter of liquid;
Put the mixture in a glass jar, but do not cover it! Cover only with a cloth or napkin and keep the pot at room temperature;
Now, just wait for the fermentation to take place to get the kefir.
How long to wait?
To consume a softer version of kefir, the indicated time is approximately six hours. For a more dense and acidic product, leave the pot working for up to 72 hours.
Before consuming
Before drinking, pour the liquid into the sieve, separating the beans. But do not throw the beans away! They can be reused to make more kefir afterwards.
The appearance is similar to that of yogurt or curds. The drink can be mixed with fruits, honey, oats, granola or used to make cheeses and even curd.
Expiration date
After fermented, the shelf life of the drink is three days in the refrigerator.
There are some important observations regarding the consumption of kefir. Patients taking anticoagulant medications should ingest at most one small cup of kefir per day because of high doses of vitamin K.
These medicines usually have this same property, which can end up accentuating the effect of the medicine and causing dosage above that indicated by the doctor.
It is also not recommended to take kefir two hours before or after the use of bisphosphonates, fluorides, tetracyclines or firasse inhibitors.
These are specific medications used, for example, to treat osteoporosis. In this way, they are very rich in calcium, as well as kefir made in milk. Therefore, it is necessary to control the level of the nutrient, avoiding excesses.
Very interesting! I don't eat much Kefir but I will be doing a ton more research about it! :) Thanks for sharing!
Follow and an upvote from me! :)
I have never tried it; had no idea it was so helpful,