Kicking My Sugar Habit For Lent

in #food7 years ago



So the Christian period of Lent began last Wednesday. Traditionally it's a time for fasting to giving something up for 40 days. It replicates the story of Jesus Christ's journey into the desert for 40 days. I'm not a Christian myself but members of my family are so I sometimes join in with Lent. Plus I like challenging myself and think it's good to give up a luxury for a while, especially when we often take luxuries for granted.

Giving Up Sugar....Again!

I've previously given up sugar when I was trying to lose my baby weight and fit back into my pre-baby-number-3 clothes. However, once I got to my ideal weight and size I naturally wanted to celebrate....with cake! A close friend of mine did warn me "But won't the floodgates open again if you start having the odd sugary treat?". I assured her it didn't affect me anymore, but the floodgates did indeed open! The occasional sweet treat became a daily occurrence again and my waistline did not thank me!

Type 2 Diabetes

I generally eat quite healthy but sugar is my main downfall, which isn't great seeing as several members of my family have type 2 diabetes. So Lent seemed like the perfect time to force myself to go on the straight and narrow again. Plus the whole point is giving up something you actually really love! There is a loophole in Lent though, you can eat whatever you've been abstaining from on Sundays as they are "feast days". I'm not planning to do this as I've realised I'm like an alcoholic when it comes to sugary foods. Just a little taste and it's all over! Instead I intend to forgo them completely for the 40 days.

Natural Sugar

I'm planning on getting my sugar fix from natural sugars in fruit. Also if I'm desperate and really want to feel like I'm having a treat I'll make these sugar-brownies - - which are sweetened with dates and are pretty tasty.

So Far So Good

It's been 4 days since Lent began and I'm doing OK so far. I resisted when a friend tried to force feed me a blueberry muffin and didn't finish off my kids half eaten biscuits and fruit yoghurt. It would be helpful if everyone in my household had also given up sugar for Lent however, my husband and Mini Me 1 have set their own challenge and have given up meat. I'm trying to help them with this by making lots of nice vegetarian food which I'll share with you in another post.
Have any of you given up anything for Lent? If so, let me know how it's going.

MummyImperfect x


i love sugar to much, you stronger then me.

Well let's see how I do! I used to add 3 spoons of sugar to my tea and coffee and stopped that a while ago so I think I can do it if I put my mind to it.

@mummyimperfect , I gave up sugar and I will never look back. I did not do it for lent, i just simply know how horrific it is for our bodies. I'm not going to lie, it was so F*&%ing hard to do! Not only the cravings but you can get sugar detox rashes which absolutely suck. I stopped craving after a solid 2 months. I feel so damn good now it is unbelievable. Good luck, and you got this. SCREW SUGAR

It's good to know it took 2 months for the cravings to stop. I think I will find it hard too particularly when I'm tired. Do you ever have any sugary treats now or not at all?

ya, i keep a bag of Skittles in the pantry. Once in a blue moon i will take 5 or so, and enjoy the heck out of them. I chose skittles because in my mind eating 5 skittles is like eating 5 snacks. Sounds weird but it works. Then I normally drink a ton of water in hopes to flush it out fast as possible.

I love the fact that you aren't all 'holier than thou' about giving up sugar and still have skittles now and then :)

Buena manera de hacer la cuaresma, de manera saludable amiga. Me gusto.

Sugar are used to make everything more flavorful... even cardboard..... Americans consumed the most sugar compared to other countries.... thus the high percentage of diabetes.... watch Netflix “sugar high”... and it should change your sugar dietary consumptions.

Thanks I will definitely watch Sugar High. It's crazy how much sugar is added to so much of the foods we eat...then we put more sugar on top!

Sugar is needed in perfect amount , supplied calories imtake than burned into energy.

But natural sugar supplies all the energy needed...and carbs do too. Thanks for reading :)

You are doing great dear .... take care along with it too :)

Greetings know my brother, I need to tell you about this good news, because in the last few days I am a sinner, has slowed the social project of the church in Indonesia. The target of this project is to help Christians in this country whose social and economic rights are deprived. I felt diminished on that basis. And I am committed to each of the postings I use for the charity once before in Indonesia. And here I am compiling and forming structures with some other steemians.

Hello @mummyimperfect.
.. I like to also make cooking and able to cook sealakadar.

Lent is a perfect time to enjoy some holy moments and abstain from some life's luxury.
Natural sugar is certainly your best bet

Thanks for reading :)

It's amazing that you can give up sugar, even for a "short" period. I wouldn't be able to do that. I just love sugar too much :-D. I would be able to give up meat easily than sugar. Good luck!

Thank you. So far I'm doing ok. I went to an event yesterday where was the most delicious looking cake and loads of other sweet treats. It was very tempting but I resisted and made some of the brownies with dates and oats when I got home.

I love dates, so that is indeed a great substitution for sugar.

Grew up in a Catholic household, we don't eat meat on Good Friday and the Black Saturday of the Holy Week but I we never practice the fasting and I think I'm going to try it now because of your post. Thank you for this

Good luck with it :)

@mummyimperfect thanks for this...I barely put myself in fasting but it always feels gteat whenever l do..It gets you so vloser to your creator

Yes it's good to sacrifice things sometimes. I always have a lot of admiration for Muslims when they fast during Ramadan. It's not an easy thing to do!