For biscuit:
3 eggs
3 tablespoons of sugar
1 Vanilla Sugar Dolcela
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon of thick orange peel
3 tablespoons of wheat flour Podravka
For cream:
100 ml of water
800 ml of milk
1 teaspoon of Vegeta Maestro minced cinnamon
1 Vanilla Sugar Dolcela
150 g of rice
1 teaspoon of thick orange peel
1 box Parfum cream Dolcela
200 ml of cream for whipped cream
2 tablespoons of orange liqueur
Mix yogurt, sugar and vanilla sugar mixed with foam.
Add lemon juice, a razor-sharp orange crust, a flour and a solid egg whitewash. Pour into a mixture of baking paper with a coated mold of 26 cm in diameter and bake in a oven heated to 180 ° C for 15 minutes.
Chop the biscuit, remove the baking paper and return to the mold.
Mix the water and 200 ml of milk in the bowl. Add cinnamon, vanilla sugar, rice and cook on low heat until the rice fills all the liquid. Add red pepper orange crust and cool.
Place the remaining cold milk in a large bowl, allow the contents of the Fragrant Cream and stir. Mix the mash with an electric stirrer for 4 minutes, then add whipped cream, liqueur, and prepared rice.
Apply cream on a biscuit and cool well.
Torture and serve with compote fruits as desired.
Look so delicious!