It's the old 'variety vs finding a niche' argument- You can potentially attract new readers by expanding the content you blog about, but at the risk of potentially alienating old readers. I personally walk that line by having one main subject geology/earth sciences- and a few smaller topics I dip in once a week or so, notably my history posts and book reviews. I also tend to mix the topics up a bit and post about the history of science or reviews of scientific nonfiction. The balance will vary for everyone- I personally prefer more focused blogs, regardless of their topic, but I do follow a few less focused ones as well that are well written and interact with me a lot. I personally think that cooking (and cooking science) related posts will be a fantastic sub-theme to your blog.
Also, I kinda like overcooked green hardboiled eggs...
Oh, a well done hardboiled egg is perfectly fine. They just tend to look far less attractive, lol. Thanks for the wise words! I think you do a great job of having a bit of variety, but also staying on point. I think I'm going to take a page out of your book and follow a similar route. From what I've gathered, you have a solid following, who appear to be very responsive to your work. I also see that you are very active with who you follow as well! :D
Yeah! Personal interaction is the name of the game on Steemit!