Even fast food can be healthy

in #food6 years ago


Fast food is fast, simple and convenient. The choice of takeaway offers is also huge: burgers, pizzas, downer kebabs, sandwiches, savory pies, salads etc. It is not always easy to choose the healthiest variant. Below we suggest how to turn a quick lunch menu into a complete meal.

Fast food healthy


So many workers and more and more students are forced to eat out for lunch. Often the break is too short and, therefore, you opt for a very high-calorie meal.
By observing the following tips, it is easy to choose a balanced and healthy meal even during a short lunch break.
• Preferably drink mineral water or tap water, avoiding sweet drinks, which only bring additional "empty" calories to the body.
• If you eat out several times a week, make sure your lunches are varied. In addition to Swiss dishes, various multicultural dishes are offered, such as Asian pasta or rice dishes or Turkish and Indian specialties, etc. Often, even the cellars offer menus with different dishes.
• Prefer the low-fat variants; opting for ex. for a chicken sandwich instead of the salami sandwich.
• Accompany every quick meal with a portion of vegetables, salad and/or fruit.
• As far as possible, choose complete products. Salads enriched with seeds and nuts further increase the fiber content.
• Prepare your meals at home, so you have more control over the ingredients.


And always of balanced fast meals bought out according to the ASA:

• A whole meal ham sandwich, mixed salad, an apple and 5dl of mineral water
• A piece of pizza Marguerite, mixed salad and a slice of wholemeal bread, fruit salad, 5dl of mineral water
• A hamburger, salad of celery topped with yogurt, a whole meal biscuit, and 5dl of apple must


In general, the following applies:

• Take the time to eat. Stop your business, if possible leave your workplace and sit down comfortably.
• Eat slowly, enjoying the meal together. Take some breaks while eating.
• Always follow your sense of hunger and satiety. If you are satiated, do not hesitate to leave something in the pot.