RECIPE: Easy One-Pot Chicken & Veggies Dish - Light and Tasty

in #food2 years ago


Hey there, fellas "food connoisseurs" AKA "foodies".
Today I want to share with you one recipe that is quite easy and fast to prepare but also extremely tasty and light, and at the same time quite nutritious.

Since I go to regular lab blood testing because of my pregnancy, I am much more aware of the condition of my body and all of the minerals and vitamins in it.
Two months ago after the regular lab test, my results were showing no deficiencies but low amounts of iron and some other substances.
I am the last person you will see taking meds and different pills. I rarely go there - only when there is no other option. In this situation, I had to buy the IRON drops that were prescribed to me but I have also decided to change my eating habits and routine.

After some research and keeping in mind what I like, I have decided that one of the ingredients I should go for is "peas".
Peas are not only really tasty but highly recommended to vegetarians and vegans in providing IRON to their bodies since they don't consume animal products.
I personally am not a vegetarian but I believe that this veggie is so delicious and also has many benefits for our bodies.
Besides the quantity of IRON, peas can help our digestive systems because of the amount of fibers.
They are also rich in vitamin C which can help in boosting our immune system.

So the recipe that I will share with you is "One-Pot Chicken & Veggies Dish" - and the vegetables are potatoes, peas, and onion.
Of course, you can use any pot big enough to fit all of your ingredients and suit your preferences in taste but I prefer my big Jena glass pots (i believe they call that "borosilicate" these days but I am not 100% sure).
I have two of these - one brand new - a French one, that I got as a wedding gift and the other one is probably older than me. I believe my grandmother was the first one to use it and I remember my mom cooking in it.

Photo taken from website to illustrate Jena glass pot

This is heat-resistant and shock-resistant glass that is used in science but has other applications such as dish material.
Not only that they are easier to wash compared to regular pots but also safer to use since they don't have any coverage to break and leak some toxic materials into the food.

This all makes me a bit nostalgic so let's start and I hope you enjoy it!


  • 400 gr chicken breast
  • 500 gr peas (canned)
  • 7 medium-sized potatoes
  • 1 large onion
  • 5-6 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. dried red pepper
  • 1 tbsp. curry powder
  • garlic powder (to taste)
  • salt (to taste)



I would suggest first boiling the chicken breast. This way you will have them ready to add to the pot.
When they are ready just tear them up into small chunks and pieces like the one in the photo.


Then peel the potatoes and cut them into medium size pieces. I think this is the best size since you otherwise risk losing them when the dish is ready and they become soft and mushy.


Put them in your glass pot, then add the peas and the sliced onion (also go for medium-sized slices).


After that add the olive oil and all the herbs and spices on top. + around 70 - 100 ml water.


Add the chicken breast pieces on top and stir well until the herbs and spices are covering all ingredients.


Bake for about one hour at 180 - 200 degrees Celsius (depending on your oven). You can of course check the dish from time to time.
When the potatoes become mushy and the chicken breast is fully cooked you are ready to enjoy your meal.

As a final step but not necessary I add a few small blocks of unsalted butter on top - to melt when the dish is still steaming hot. I believe this adds some creaminess and richness to the taste!

I will be happy to hear some feedback from you on this recipe! Please let me know if you decide to prepare this at home - how do you like it and have you added something new on your side?

Stay tasty,
Chef Kate


Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you!

Uuuh I love chicken and this recipe looks really easy and yummi 😍😍 so rich I love you added spices too, I bet this dish it's super flavoured

Thank you! It is super flavored and creamy at the same time. I belive adding butter makes it go crazy tasty! =))