5 Eating Habits You Should STOP Right Now

in #food7 years ago

With my thousands of hours of research and six years of personal experimentation, I'm ready to bring you some watered down lessons that are so obvious to me it's not funny.

1 Timing of Meals

Are you a snacker? Or are you 3 meals a day regular joe? OK it's your prerogative.

But if you have 3 meals and ALSO snack, STOP IT!

You're just a glutton at that point. In fact it defies the laws of nature. Feasts were celebrations for a reason. It was a rare occasion of indulging. As Jim Gaffigan says in response to big Thanksgiving Meals 'Overeat on Thanksgiving? Americans overeat every day!'

So please be responsible and choose one of the other. Your digestive system needs a break, in fact, a break longer than we get with just 3 meals per day separated by 5 hours or so each may do us more good than harm. So move on to Habit #2 to for that

2 Breakfast

Oh, what was long taught as the most important meal of the day. Common knowledge is now regarding breakfast as the most important meal to SKIP for your health! As I said in #1, your digestive system needs a break. That’s when the body does the heavy cleaning and detoxing all kinds of radical shiz from our crappy western lifestyle, diet and environment (full of pollutants and carcinogens).

Breakfast literally means “breaking the fast” you know, the one you barely noticed you had stopped eating since you had dinner, went to bed, got up and already thought of ‘breaking your fast’. Techies are now skipping meals and even not eating for a day or 2 on end. I have done this as well and felt great (once you get used to it). Now the smartest people in the world starting a new health trend don’t you think there’s probalby some hard evidence behind it?

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VIEW ARTICLE - 2017-09-04

“The first day I felt so hungry I was going to die. The second day I was starving. But I woke up on the third day feeling better than I had in 20 years,” he said.

3 Eating Until You're Full

The longest living culture on the planet, the Okinawans and (probably traditional Japanese culture itself) teach to eat till you feel only 80% full. Though common for Americans and Austrailians,filling up completely until you can’t put any more without being sick, in no way is that healthy; you are bogging down your system and literally causing constipation. In fact I call being so full you don’t have room for more as plain old constipating your own damn self.

Now if you’re not eating solely raw fruit and veg you’re probably definitely also dehydrating yourself. But if you are making sure to stay hydrated, you’ll either love me or hate me for habit #4 coming up.

4 Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day

Now Adam already ruined the "everybody knows you have to drink 8 glasses of water a day" - But I'm going to ruin it in a different way.

First off, when did this mantra start? Who cares. We just know that it's nonsense. Likely it was a marketing company for sports drinks like Gatorade in 1985 which Adam mentioned. According to theweek.com who dug deeper, it seemed it was first published in 1945.

Second: why 8? I’ll be the first to tell you, 8 glasses a day is bullcrap. There’s days where I’ve barely sipped water and I was perfectly fine. Then there’s days I’ve drank 16 cups and that was still not enough. Why? Because you can’t generalize a statement of how much to intake over an entire population of people regardless of what they’re intaking. What each person eats and does in their daily routine is at incredibly varying levels. Of course 8 is just a base number to blanket the public with to make sure for safety people won't get dehydrated while drinking this much under almost all circumstances. But what if this could harm us? Science doesn't know.

Good book by the way

If you’re on a fast you can basically drink as much or as little water as you want. If you’re starting out dehydrated maybe you want to consume more. But if you’re at a mineral deficiency and drinking pure filtered water with no minerals maybe you’re contributing to your body stripping them! This is the kind of science that is not solidified in this day and age.

5 Brushing your Teeth after Every Meal

This one would be my personal pet peeve. To eat and then immediately brush your teeth like you’re afraid your food will give you herpes or something is ridiculous. If you think the food is SO bad for you that you have to clean it with chemicals immediately after, you are very ill informed indeed.

Real healthy food (if you’re TRYING to eat that way) should be fine in your mouth and your body should naturally balance the pH and rebuild any degraded bones (teeth). When I eat watermelon as an example my teeth feel VERY clean and I definitely do NOT want to brush them because I feel that would be counter to the wonderful minerals the watermelon just provided. Apples are probably good for cleaning teeth as well. Now fairly common knowledge is after drinking orange juice or eating citrus you definitely do not want to brush because the acid eats your enamel and you'll simply degrade more of your enamel if you do not wait until your saliva rebalances out your mouth pH. In fact I think saliva's main purpose is to balance out your mouth pH and keep your teeth mineralized (as opposed to the main 'mainstream' taught objective of beginning the digestive process).

If you’re eating candy or junk food though, yeah maybe you want to brush; you’ll likely have sugary, salty or starchy bits stuck to the teeth that you don’t want there. At least use your tongue to make sure the gaps in teeth are not filled with decaying junk from your junky diet; now I hope you’ll clean up your diet first! Stop hurting yourself!

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*** What do you think? Post your comments down below! ***


It's like "overeat" and drink to reduce "overheat". Serves well both food and beverage industries.

you got it! Yeah. Eat more so you have to drink more to flush it out. At the same time causing health issues to pump more dough (no pun intended) into the medical industry for treatments rather than cures. Becuase healthy eating can cure most everything

Well put together post. I always figured the 8 glasses of water a day thing was bs as well. Are you a nutritionist?

Personally trained self-fessional. Literally thousands of hours of research (youtube videos, articles, scientific journals, dozens of books, presentations by doctors and nutritionists). Rather than becoming an expert, I learn from an unlimited amount of experts.

I've saved over 1,500 videos on health and watched many more than that and tested with my body and eating changes to learn firsthand what different changes and food stuffs react. I also have over 1,500 links on health I've saved. One of my l ife passions.

I heard it said that drinking coffee is not a substitute for drinking water. Is this true? I liked your debunking of myths in the post. Especially the breakfast one. Thank you.

Right. I see coffee as unnatural substance and as with anything unnatural the body must detox it. Fortunately, with the liquid in coffee at least it compensates for the bad stuff. Dry (bad) food is the worst because it takes the most work to dispel (rehydrating it, and eliminating through digestive system then cleaning up the remnants).

I personally don't drink coffee so I have no special reservations holding me back from discouraging it; but there's much worse things out there. Caffeine is a stimulant and somewhat similar to an amphetamine reactions and addictive behavior patterns.

Yes I know the caffeine is not a good thing. I guess it's a bad habit. I guess I just thought that since the coffee was say 90% water it would act like water once I drank. Thank you for your explanation.

Water is good; but its the chemicals that matter in this instance; if coffee was more diluted (more water to other content) im sure would be healthier but then can you tolerate the taste? haha

I'm not well researched on how liquids affect us just that they're absorbed much faster. That water gets pulled out pretty quick and into the blood, filtered through kidneys and dumped in bladder. - I would guess a little quicker than watermelon/fruit juice if the coffee doesn't have added sugar. Slower if it has added sugar; the body probably slows it down to avoid a rush of sugar that would be feeding bacteria.

That makes a lot of sense. Thank you your response.

great :) I know I need to refine my arguments; sometimes i can get complex for the average person but you seem to handle it well like me; and probably most of steem early adopters; we're the smart cats :)

You are the smart cat, I am just learning. I appreciate running across someone that I can banter with on an intellectual level (as much intelligence I can muster). This helps me educate myself and I hope you enjoy the volleying while I pick your brain. Thank you.

Thanks for very helpful tips...I follow you!!!

thanks sir

Hey Mike, thank you for connecting me with Kenneth. It was a great interview and had a lot of fun. Also, thank you for the tip you sent me after you watched "The Missing Link." My wife is a fan of Teal Swan. I think she's incredibly hot but I never really followed her work.