Hello out there!
I've decided today to cook a typical slovakian lunch for my flatmates. It consisted of 3 dishes, all three very typical if not the most typical foods of Slovakia:
- Apetizer - salty potato "pancakes" with garlic dip
- Main dish - sheep cheese dumplings
- Desert - Slovakian cheese
Well, the most important part was to go home several days prior to this event and bring all those typical cheeses etc ...Also, I kindly asked my grandma to cook that apetizer for me :DApetizer
Mashed potatoes mixed with flour formed in the form of a pancake and just baked (dried) in the oven. Dip is a mix of mashed garlic, salt and olive oil and you evenly spread it on top.Main dish
I'm not gonna lie, I've bought the frozen dumplings in the store but they are basically made from almost the same mash as the appetizer (potatoes, flour) - just a lot mor fluid, then divided into tiny pieces and cooked. The main thing here is the sheep cheese though - it's called brynzda and it's typical for Slovakia. I've mixed it with cream and put on top of the dumplings. On top of this all goes a fried bacon but since my flatmates are vegetarian I've prepared some extra green garnish for them.Desert
Another cheese loved by Slovakians as a snack. It's called Korbaciky and if you google it, you'll find it in many "funny" forms. Served with circles of cucumber.Serving
Just a quick pic of guys, enjoying the food. Both of these dudes are cool guys, one just settled down after 20years of nomadic lifestyle and another one lives as minimalistic as it gets. I'll write a Flatmate Series where I'll talk with them about their experiencesFun fact
Also, I guess Innsbruck is one of not many places where you can enjoy lunch without the Tshirt in the garden, while watching mountains full of snow. I jut love it!
Thanks for reading! Martin

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- Learn to be comfortable in UNCOMFORTABLE...teaching dance workshop with ZERO experience
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- Creative home workout for your GRIP & PULLING with just 2 towels....and ONE DOG :)

Mother tongue version
Dnes som sa rozhodol prezentovat trosku slovensku kuchynu a uvarit mojim kamosom z bytu (Anglican a Spaniel) typicke slovenske jedla.
- Apetizer - lokse s cesnakom
- Hlavny chod -bryndzove halusky
- Dezert - korbacky
Najdolezitejsie bolo ist samozrejme par dni pred dnesnym velkym dnom domov a priniest so sebou bryndzu a ine potrebne prisady. ...Taktiez som musel presvedcit babku, nech mi napecie lokse, lebo sam by som to isto nedal :DJedla vam popisovat nebudem, pretoze na rozdiel od anglickeho publika viete, co a ako :)
Len rychla foto chalanov pri jedle. Obaja su supercool typci, jeden cestoval po svete 20 rokov a teraz sa prvykrat usadil a druhy zije maximalne minimalisticky zivot a naucil ma chodit vyberat jedlo z kontajnerov :) Casom planujem napisat Flatmate Series kde sa ich popytam par zaujmavych otazok na ich zivotne nazory atd.Fun fact na zaver
Len som si uvedomil, ako velmi si uzivam tuto konkretnu vyhodu zivota v Innsbrucku - na jar clovek moze jest na zahrade obed bez tricka a zaroven sa pozerat na krasne zasnezene hory - popripade si tam ist rano zalyzovat
Vyzerá to super, ale tie halušky aj mňa dostali :D Nabudúce polohruba múka, jedno vajce a trošku vody a cesto je na svete ;) (niekto pridáva aj zemiaky, ale takto to úplne stačí) fakt je to veľmi jednoduché ;) vyskúšaj nabudúce. Prvý krát keď som chcela robiť halušky som myslela, že sa stým budem babrať hodinu, ale za 5min som ich mala hotové :p
Inak fajn článok :)
no...mozem tu teraz naslubovat hory doly, aj tak mi je jasne, ze ich nabuduce znova kupim uz hotove :D fakt to nebolo vobec take hrozne :)
Sníva sa mi alebo ozaj vidím "halušky v sáčku" ?! ako toto možeš podporovať :D
:DD aj som rozmyslal, ci ma tu niekto za to spucuje :D Nuz, vybral som si cestnu cestu uverejnenia tej fotky tak musim teraz trpiet :D
Nechcel som maminu tolko otravovat ked som bol doma a keby ich mam realne robit sam, tak som v kuchyni doteraz a chalani uz davno jedia nejaku objednanu pizzu :D inak dost ma to prekvapilo ale tie halusky chutili uplne normalne...
A bryndzu som so smotanou zmiesal sam!! :D
:D okey, priznanie ti pridáva plusové body ;)
Inak to vyzerá ako super pohostenie a prezentácia slov. kuchyne, takže chválim ;)
btw...any idea ako spravne prelozit "lokse" do AJ?
Popravde netuším... maybe "lokshe" :D Niektoré veci sa asi proste neprekladajú, lokše treba zažiť ;) heh
Your dishes look delicious! ;))
Hah thx!! :)
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