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RE: Hacks For Eggs

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Hey kaylinart, you beat me to a post on eggs! My partner and i raise many kinds of birds and WE LOVE OUR EGGS! We have many types of chickens which lay different coloured eggs like blue, green, copper etc. i will be posting pics of these in the next day or two. Hope you check me out! Cheers! ( Oh and i believe and it's now being reported that the collesterol is actually good for you!)


So... Actual green eggs and ham is a possibility?

Yes if you include the shells, lol. ( And you are right about weight loss and eggs- probably close to nature's most perfect food, other than hemp, that is!)

Awww man! WRITE AN ARTICLE ABOUT EGGS! I"d love to read it! There is definetly room for more than one egg post lol. Green! OMG that is so cool! You are more of an expert that I am clearly. I would love to see all your pictures.

You bet- will do!