SundayCook #42 - Stewed meat with rice [EN] | Carne de vaca guisada com arroz [PT]

in #food7 years ago (edited)

It happened!!!

Yesterday I choose "Meat à jardineira" for today's​ SundayCook. This morning I realized it was already shared here: SundayCook #27 - Meat 'à jardineira'!!

An alarm sounded in my head... I've got​ the ingredients and the meat was already cooking!! What should I do!?

I don't want to repeat any dish​ on this SundayCook series, so I had to improvise a bit. I decided for a stewed meat recipe with rice. We Portuguese​ love it, it's easy to prepare and it's perfect for a family meal!


Ontem decidi que ía fazer "Carne de vaca à jardineira" para o SundayCook de hoje. Esta manhã percebi que já tinha partilhado aqui: SundayCook #27 - Meat 'à jardineira'!!

O alarme soou na minha cabeça... tinha os ingredientes e a carne já estava a cozinhar!! O que é que eu faço!?

Não quero repetir nenhuma receita nesta série, então tive de improvisar um pouco e optei por fazer carne de vaca guisada com arroz. Nós Portugueses adoramos, é fácil de preparar e é óptimo para uma refeição familiar!

For this SundayCook I prepared | Para este SundayCook preparei:

Stewed meat with rice | Carne de vaca guisada com arroz


I also add some vegetables to the stew, carrots, ​and peas, it gets more colorful!| Também juntei alguns vegetais ao guisado, cenouras e ervilhas, fica mais colorido!!

Ingredients | Ingredientes:

  • 1,4 kg beef cut into cubes | - 1,4 kg carne de vaca cortada aos cubos
  • 3 small onion | - 3 cebolas pequenas
  • 7 cloves of garlic | - 7 dentes de alho
  • 1 tomato can | - 1 lata de tomate
  • rice (to taste) | - arroz (a gosto)
  • 1 bay leaf | - 1 folha de louro
  • 1 bunch of parsley | -1 raminho de salsa
  • black pepper (to taste) | - Pimenta preta (a gosto)
  • piri-piri (to taste) | - piri-piri (a gosto)
  • white wine (to taste) | - vinho branco (a gosto)
  • olive oil (to taste) |- azeite (a gosto)
  • salt (to taste)| - sal (a gosto)

1 - Place the olive oil in a saucepan and add the chopped onions and garlic​ and bay leaf. Let it stir for 5 minutes.

1 - Pôr o azeite numa panela e juntar a cebola e o alho picados, e a folha de louro. Deixar refogar durante 5 minutos.

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2 - Add the meat cubes, stir. When the meat gets brown, season with salt and black pepper, add the white wine and parsley​.

2 - Juntar a carne aos cubos e mexer. Quando a carne ficar acastanhada, temperar com sal e pimenta preta, juntar o vinho branco e a salsa.

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3 - When it boils add the tomato cut into small pieces. Stir, let it boil again and cover with a lid. Let cook over low heat about 1h -1h30, stirring occasionally.

3 - Deixar ferver e juntar o tomate aos cubos. Mexer, deixar ferver novamente e tapar. Deixar cozer durante 1h-1h30 em lume baixo, mexendo de vez em quando.

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4 - When the meat is cooked, add the carrot cut into cubes, and the peas. Let cook for about 8-10 minutes.

4 - Quando a carne estiver cozinhada, juntar a cenoura cortada aos cubos, e as ervilhas. Deixar cozer por cerca de 8-10 minutos.

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5 - Take the amount you'll need for the meal to another saucepan​. Cover with water, season with some salt and black pepper, and add the rice (the amount of water should be twice the rice volume). Let boil, reduce to low heat and let cook for about 10 minutes.

5 - Retirar a quantia necessária para a refeição para outra panela. Cobrir com água, temperar com sal e pimenta preta, e juntar o arroz (a quantidade de água costuma ser o dobro do volume de arroz). Deixar ferver, reduzir o lume e deixar cozer por cerca de 10 minutos.

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6 - Turn off the heat!!

6 - Desligar o fogão!!


It's ready to serve!! | Está pronto a ser servido!!

See how easy it was!? | Vêem como foi fácil!?


Easy and delicious!! | Fácil e delicioso!


I'm glad for this episode, otherwise, I wouldn't cook this stew, which tasted better than "Meat à jardineira"!! | Estou feliz por este episódio, de outra forma não teria feito este guisado, que me soube melhor que a "Carne à jardineira"!!


I will come back with another delicious Sunday cook!!

Stay tuned!!

What is Sunday Cook?!

This Sunday Cook project began with a strong will to contribute to Steemit with my personal view of Portuguese cuisine. I really believe we have plenty of good food. Despite I'm not a professional or nothing similar, I can assure that I'm doing my best, and hopefully, I'm improving my skills too!

On Sundays (cold Sundays), I like to prepare more elaborate and delicious food. It requires time and patience. Usually, I cook some traditional Portuguese food, or at least with Portuguese inspiration :) I try to do it in a healthier way, using the minimum fat as possible, and normally I pick some recipe and transform it. During the week I don't like to spend much time cooking (no time at all), that's why I get totally motivated to cook on Sundays!!


Eu voltarei com outro SundayCook delicioso!!

Fiquem atentos!!

O que é o Sunday Cook?!

Este projeto iniciou-se com uma grande vontade de contribuir para o Steemit com a minha visão pessoal da cozinha Portuguesa. Eu considero que temos excelentes pratos. Apesar de não ser profissional nem nada que o valha, garanto que tenho feito o meu melhor, e espero estar a melhorar os meus dotes culinários!

Nos Domingos (quando está frio), gosto de preparar comida mais elaborada. Requer tempo e paciência. Normalmente, cozinho pratos da cozinha tradicional Portuguesa, ou pelo menos inspirados na mesma. Tento cozinhá-los de uma forma saudável, usando o mínimo de gordura possível e normalmente pego numa receita e adapto ao meu gosto. Durante a semana não gosto de perder tempo a cozinhar (nada mesmo), e é por isso que me sinto motivada a cozinhar nos Domingos!!

Links for previous posts | Lista de links para posts anteriores:


I think my family would love this, I must give it a try. I have always enjoyed the 'Sunday Cook,' please don't ever stop!

That's a huuuuge compliment​, thank you sincerely!! :)

I'm focused on​ keeping it until #52 (52 weeks), then springtime​ will start and I will probably stop. It requires a great effort to prepare everything​, photograph​ and post. I don't know how you can deal with it so well, you always have a new recipe ​and amazing photos.

I can barely prepare 42 recipes without repeat's been a challenge ;)

Óptimo aspecto :D

Obrigada!! E está delicioso, esta semana tenho os jantares garantidos ;)

Que delícia!

Obrigada Jammerson!! Bota delícia nisso ;)

Muito bom me deu fome

This is very similar to a dish I make - I call it Dundee Taddies - I use potatoes instead of the rice. There is nothing better than comfort food especially in the winter.

If I had used potatoes this would have beans the other dish (SundayCook #27 - Meat 'à jardineira'!!), that's why I changed it a bit and add rice instead! ;)

Comfort food in winter time is priceless!!

Oh...okay. Now I get where you are coming from when you said it was getting more difficult to change things up. I can imagine. It would be...and with the added pressure of having to blog and photograph all the steps.

I love so much Jardineira!
It's one of the first meal I have eaten in Portugal. For me (personal taste) I prefer without rice because I'm a ''molho'' addict :)
Or I can eat it in a big bowl and the rice swim in the sauce/molho ^^

Mais um yummy para a lista :)

That's comfort food, alright! Perfect for the winter. And it looks easy - when you make it! ; ) You have a great collection of Sunday Cooks!

Que saudades.
Pena não ter quase tempo ( e muitos dias paciência) para cozinhar.