I will try this next time I smoke a ham. I actually really like doing a salt and vinegar brine for several days and then smoke my ham. I will be interesting in how it will compare. Thanks for the information. I always like a barrel charcoal smoker but I tried out a nice electric one that I did not think I would like and well I love it. I just set it and walk away to do other things on the homestead without needing to keep an eye on it at all times. I also like it can double as a dehydrator simply by not adding wood pellets. I saved this recipe and will see how I like it. Thanks again.
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I've never tried vinegar for the brine. I was a little concerned about flavor when switching from charcoal to electric but I've been impressed. It still has a good smoke flavor and is so much less work.
Using it as a dehydrator is such a great idea. I was planning on buying a dehydrator but will try using the smoker first. Thanks for the idea