Recipe How to Make Sambal Terasi Original Enak Banget - For you as a native of Indonesia would have been familiar with spicy foods, like chili sauce that often exist at every meal. Even many people who say eating without sauce will feel bland, so it sauce is not a dish that is foreign to the people of Indonesia. Processed cuisine made from chili or chilli that we usually call sambal is a lot of variations, ranging from chili sauce, chili sauce, tomato sauce, chili sauce, and not to mention chili paste, even many more chili sauce spread across the archipelago we can not mention here. However, on this occasion the processed sauce that stole our attention is chili paste, which is usually the most demanding.
Sambal terasi is a chili sauce mixed with terasi of course, but not carelessly combine it. Because it needs a balanced blend of spicy, salty, and sweet on each dairy, so that the taste of chili made in the tongue. Processed chili paste also many variants, ranging from a mixture of spices or how to cook it, there is a raw there is also a fried first. For those of you who want to try to make chili paste please follow the following recipes we have prepared, so that the processed chili sauce terasi you delicious and delicious.
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